Time Cat -- Lloyd Alevander
Essay by review • November 6, 2010 • Essay • 1,501 Words (7 Pages) • 2,153 Views
Time Cat
Lloyd Alexander
Type of story: Fictional
Historical period: the story jumps from different times. While traveling though they go from 2700b.c. to 55b.c. to 998b.c. to 411b.c. to 998a.d. to 1468 to 1555 to 1588 to 1600 to 1775.
2. Place:
Geographical location: This story as well as switching from time to time it also switches from place to place. While traveling they go the places of Egypt, Rome and Britain, Ireland, Japan, Italy, Peru, The Isle of Man, and finally to America.
Scenes: The story starts out in Jason's room and from there it goes to Egypt where Gareth and Jason go down the Nile river and to a the pharaoh's palace. From there they Rome and Britain where the spend there time out in forest along seas, in king's castles, in tribal areas.
Main Characters:
1.Name: Jason
Physical Features: Jason is tall and skinny; he has short brown hair and deep blue eyes.
2. Personality description: In the beginning of the story Jason is laying in bed and crying because of what a bad day he has been having so that probably shows that he is a sensitive boy. He has a large imagination, this he shows because he does believe his cat (Gareth would talk to him if he wanted to. He is rough and is easily bugged but other than that Jason is sweet and cares dearly for the ones he loves.
How does this character change through out the story?:
Jason has no change to him, he stills believes in what he believed in before, his attitude is the same; he doesn't grow kinder but also not meaner. Jason is the same boy he was in the beginning.
Character #2
Name: Gareth
Physical Description: Gareth is a black cat with orange eyes, Sometimes, when he hunched his shoulders and put down his ears, he looked like an owl. When he stretched, he looked like a trickle of oil or a pair of black silk pajamas. When he sat on a window ledge, his eyes half-shut and his tail curled around him, he looked like a secret.
Personality Description: Gareth is a smart, loving cat. He seems to be a problem solver or conflict solver. He has a sly personality to him or like, if you were to just meet him then you'd be very cautious around him because of the way he seems to be.
The Problem of the Story:
There are a few conflicts to this story, every time Jason and Gareth go to a new place and new time a new conflict occurs, and also every time when traveling to a new place and time a new character is created fro that certain place and time and they always have a conflict, so those conflicts will be motioned too.
1 When traveling to Egypt in the year 2700 B.C.
Jason and Gareth's problem:
Jason and Gareth arrive there but to only be taken away and shown to a pharaoh who wants Gareth to his own, Jason refuses to this, and this causes the king to become frustrated. After this Jason and Gareth are now faced with another problem and this is to try to get the pharaoh to realize how cats need to be treated.
New Character: Neter-khet, (the pharaoh):
Neter-khet has wanted a perfect cat for him but every cat he gets doesn't seem to suite him, this is because they don't like, Neter-Khet doesn't realize why they don't like him. So his problem is all the cats that wants to have as his own don't like him and he's going to have to figure out how to get them to like him.
2. When traveling to Rome and Britain in the year of 55 B.C.
Jason and Gareth's problem:
Jason are get lost in a forest and while in this forest Gareth gets in a fight with a female wildcat that, Gareth and the wildcat roll into the pushes, Jason goes running after Gareth but is suddenly stopped by a man hold a spear right towards his throat. The man takes Jason away to his tribe where Jason becomes a slave. Jason must figure a way of getting free.
New Character, Petronius and Arrius's problem (knights):
Petronius and Arrius are part of an army called The Old Cats. Petronius and Arrius have a battle that they need to fight and their army is in very bad condition at that point, so there conflict is trying to get their army ready for the battle they will soon have to fight.
3. When in Ireland in the year of 411 a.d.:
Jason and Gareth's problem:
Jason is asked to stay with the king and his daughter because they have showed that they wield more magic than the first magician, Lugad. Jason and Gareth can't stay because they can't stay in one period for to long, so the conflict in Ireland figuring out how they can get away from the king and his daughter but not getting killed for refusing the offer of staying.
Lugad, the magician's problem:
Lugad was the master magician in till Jason and Gareth came and showed they had more power than Lugad, and everyone thought of Lugad useless since Jason and Gareth were now there. Lugad'd problem is to get everyone to start