Topic 5
Essay by twestcma • August 18, 2016 • Study Guide • 569 Words (3 Pages) • 9,567 Views
Topic 5 Study Guide
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Please type your answers below each question.
- Summarize Romans 3:20-26.
We are made right with God’s grace only. God makes people right through their faith in Jesus Christ. He does this for all who believe in Christ “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”
- Summarize Matthew 5:44.
Love all of God’s children including your enemies and also pray for all God’s children including your enemies
- How does the textbook interpret Matthew 18:21-35 and the Christian’s ability to forgive others?
The textbooks interprets Matthew 18:21-35 and the Christian’s ability to forgive others as unconditional. “Learning to sacrifice one’s rightful claims for personal justice for the restoration of another”
- Describe the Christian view of salvation and how it differs from the views of other religions.
Christianity is “unique in suggesting that one can be brought back into right relationship with the God of the universe” other views are different such as Hinduism “offers liberation from the death and life cycle”
- What three words beginning with “R” used in the lesson and lecture summarize the gospel message?
Rescue, Redemption, Renewal
- Briefly summarize Isaiah 53:4-6.
Jesus took the pain/suffering instead of us. “We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.”
- What is the mark of a Christian according to Jesus in John 13:35?
Showing love to another person will mark you as a disciple of Jesus
- Read Hebrews 9:24-28. Briefly state the point in each of the last three verses (26-28).
26-he sacrificed himself once instead of like the high priest that used someone else blood once a year