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Trace the Lives of Jesus and Muhammad Historically?

Essay by   •  December 7, 2010  •  Essay  •  1,507 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,322 Views

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Trace the lives of Jesus and Muhammad Historically?

The religion of Islam is based on the revelations of God passed on to Muhammad through the archangel Gabriel. The man, who would become the prophet, was born into a life that was not different from any other. After the death of his parents, he was sent to the Bedouin tribe of which his grandfather was a member to be raised there. Upon the death of his grandfather, he was sent to live with his uncle, Abu Talib who would become his guardian and protector. Muhammad would go on to work as a shepherd before becoming the manager of a caravan. It was while working for the caravan that he married the owner Khadija, who while 15 years his senior would go on to become his life partner. At the age of forty during periods of retreat, Muhammad began having his first vision. This vision and the ones that followed were interpreted to be verses and the direct word of God. They were compiled into the holy text of Islam, the Qu'ran. Islam is defined as the "submission" to one God, and the revelations revealed to Muhammad outlined a means of praising this one God. The visions included verses such as "the understanding that only through devotion to one and only one God and through righteous observance of the revealed law could people attain salvation in the after- life." 9 These laws included practices of regular prayer, almsgiving and charitable treatment of the poor, modesty with the opposite sex, and the rejection of idols and false Gods. Muhammad preached his revelations to people in Mecca and gained a small group of followers, including his wife. Initially his Uncle, although not a believer himself but a prominent man in the town, was able to protect Muhammad from criticism. However, after his death, Muhammad and his followers were subjected to violent reaction toward his new faith.

Jesus was born about 7 BC in Bethlehem in Judea, by the Mary. With his miraculous birth, he is considered the Son of God and God himself. Most texts begin with Jesus' ministry after his baptism in the Jordan River by John the Baptist and of his fasting in the wilderness for 40 days. During the final day of his fast, the Devil tried to tempt him, but failed.

After his encounter with the Devil, Jesus moved to Capernaum to begin his teaching. As the numbers of his followers increased, Jesus began training disciples to work with him. Once trained, he and his disciples traveled to nearby towns to preach the word of God. Much of what he taught challenged the authority of religious and civil leaders. Jesus gained as many enemies as followers.

As their ministry grew, it was reveled to his disciples that Jesus was the Messiah. This revelation also led to the death of Jesus. Threatened by Jesus' growth in popularity, the leaders devised a plan to kill him. With the aid of one of the twelve disciples, Judas Iscariot, Jesus was arrested and sentenced to death.

After being found guilty for blasphemy and other charges, he was sentenced to death. Jesus was executed by crucifixion. Three days after his death, Jesus arose from his tomb and appeared to his disciples. After a brief time with his disciples, Jesus ascended into heaven.

Describe the ways each person is worshipped?

. Islam teaches that all worship is to be directed to God alone, without any partners. You don't give your worship or a share of your worship to anyone or anything else.

God has no sons nor daughters nor any partners. He alone is the creator of everything that we see and don't see and He alone runs the affairs of the universe without being in need of anyone or anything.

God alone is deserving of worship.

Islam teaches that we worship God by following the prophets and messengers that He sent to mankind-the last of them being Prophet Muhammad (not elijah muhammad)

God sent the last revelation to mankind by way of Prophet Muhammad in the form of the Qur'an (sometimes pronounced 'koran') and Sunnah (meaning 'way or path')

A person who accepts Islam and practices Islam as their way of life is called a muslim.

Examples of how a muslim worships God is by prayer. Prophet Muhammad showed mankind, in detail, how God wishes for you to pray. Your prayer is directed only to God and only in the name of God-not in anyone else's name-period.

Another example of how a muslim worships God is fasting .Once again, your fasting is for the pleasure of God alone and not for anyone or anything else. Muslims generally believe that all good actions are considered to be acts of worship. Charity, fasting, correcting wrongdoing, even giving a gift to someone can be worship to your God as long as you have good intensions and you feel your doing what your doing for the sake of God. Prayer, fasting and making a pilgrimage to Mecca are the important forms of prayer to all muslims.

Many Christian rituals and religious practices vary between denomination, individual church and individual Christian, but some practices are common to virtually all forms of Christianity.

Most Christians attend worship services at church on Sundays, which generally include singing, prayer and a sermon. Most Christian churches have a special ritual for ordination, or designating a person fit for a leadership position in the church. At home, most practicing Christians pray regularly and many read the Bible.

Nearly all Christians



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