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Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Student ID

Chua Pei-Nie


Lee Ching Yee


Low Hor Yan


Moh Hoy Yi


Yong Xin Yi


Lecturer                         : Mrs. Joey

Tutor                                 : Mrs. Jullian Khor

Assignment                            : Assignment 2  

Tutorial                             : T 3

Submission Date               : 12th August 2016


Title: A study of limited effects approach on the responsiveness of UTAR students.

1.1 Introduction

        The Chinese Medicine Society of UTAR Sungai Long campus organized a TCM Fiesta campaign on enhancing the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine and sub-health condition among UTAR students. According to Chinese Medicine Society of UTAR Sungai Long campus, the TCM Fiesta was held in UTAR Sungai Long Campus KB Block Multipurpose Hall. Hence, the research will solely be focused on UTAR students Sungai Long campus who participated TCM Fiesta regardless of gender and faculty. The research is conducted to find out the understanding of UTAR students on their own health condition and on traditional Chinese medicine, the effectiveness of the campaign and the benefits obtained by the students and the investigation of media habit and its effects in affecting UTAR students to participate TCM Fiesta.

1.2 Background

        As mentioned by Chinese Medicine Society (2016), traditional Chinese medicine had understanding about sub-health condition long time ago. Sub-health condition is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a state between health and disease when all necessary physical and chemical indexes are tested negative by medical equipment, things may seem normal but the person experiences all kind of discomfiture and even pain (Sub-Health Condition, n.d.). Sub-health has become a crucial issue owing to the research of WHO stated that about 75% of the world’s population is in the sub-health condition (Traditional Chinese Medicine Society, 2016). There are only 5% of the world’ population is in the truly healthy condition and 20% of the world’ population is in the disease condition. Thus, sub-health condition had become critical issue around the world. According to the sub-health condition information (Traditional Chinese Medicine Society, 2016), there are 12 symptoms that commonly happens in daily life, such as feeling tired easily, difficulty in concentrating, headache, dizziness, eyes fatigue pain, back pain, loss of appetite, sore throat, scare of coldness, easily rheum, insomnia, and chest tightness.

Chinese Medicine Society of UTAR had held the TCM Fiesta Health Festival to introduce the information of sub-health condition, personal healthcare and traditional Chinese medicine to the public and UTAR students. According to the Programme Flow, there are exhibitions and talks to give information about traditional Chinese medicine and sub-health condition. Health consultation and basic health screening can help the public and students to know more about their health condition and give advices regarding personal healthcare. Moreover, there are also other programmes such as acupuncture and ‘tui-na’ is to help participants to relieve from illnesses, and game stations to let participants to relax themselves.

1.3 Objectives of the TCM Fiesta Health Campaign

The objective of the TCM Fiesta health campaign is to spread information and knowledge to make more people know and understand about traditional Chinese medicine sub-health condition and the importance of health.

1.4 Problem Statement

        Chinese Medicine Society of UTAR Sungai Long Campus has realized the problem of UTAR students of not being concerned of their personal healthcare and have lesser knowledge on traditional Chinese medicine, sub-health condition and the importance of health.

1.5 Purpose of the Study

The TCM Fiesta health campaign of the Chinese Medicine Society of UTAR Sungai Long Campus has believed that the event is helpful in creating health awareness among UTAR students in understanding the traditional Chinese medicine, sub-health condition and the importance of health. The purpose of the study is to determine the influence of mass media on UTAR students in Sungai Long campus to participate in TCM health campaign.

1.6 Objective of the Study

  1. To evaluate the outcome of the campaign onto UTAR students.
  2. To evaluate the students' responsiveness to university events.
  3. To evaluate the effectiveness of TCM Fiesta.
  4. To evaluate the effect of media on students' awareness of TCM Fiesta.

1.7 Research Questions

  1. What are the outcomes of the campaign onto UTAR students?
  2. How responsive are the UTAR students to TCM Fiesta?
  3. How effective is TCM Fiesta?
  4. How do the media affect students' awareness of TCM Fiesta?

1.8 Significance of the Study

The study is on TCM Fiesta is to reverse and curb the decline of personal healthcare condition and knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine. At the same time, the study is vital to get youths, especially UTAR students, to realize the general problems in sub-health and the effect of media on the participation of students in TCM Fiesta.

1.9 Scope

The study only examines students in UTAR Sungai Long campus instead of every student from all UTAR campuses because this is a preliminary research with only 50 respondents.

1.10 Limitation

There are two limitations to this research: the survey being opened only for UTAR Sungai Long students, and time constraints have been encountered while doing the research.


2.1 Theory Discussion

Limited-Effects Theory

Limited effects theory is an approach to the effects of mass media; it claims that media have limited effects on their audiences or society (Gans, 1993). As discussed by Lewis (2008), Paul Lazarsfeld, Bernard Berelson and Hazel Gaudet was a team of researcher at Columbia University who have conducted a series of studies on how and why people decided to vote as they did in Erie County, Ohio. According to Livesey and Lawson (2005), this theoretical approach emerged in the late 1940s and early 1950s in a large part. Chandler and Munday (2011) stated that mass media do not have the power to change audience’s attitude directly especially to those who hold strong attitudes and opinions, which is in contrast with the typical assumptions of media effects. The limited effects view was later confirmed by Hovland, who demonstrated the importance of many intervening variables (Communication Theory and Research, n.d.). There are several selected processes under the limited effects paradigm which include selective exposure, selective perception and selective retention (Klapper, 1960).



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