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Tragic Themes of Macbeth

Essay by   •  February 24, 2011  •  Essay  •  809 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,349 Views

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Shakespeare's Macbeth, considered as one as of his most brilliant plays, is a definite pleasure to read, particularly for fans of the "medieval-setting" and Old English literature. His style is unique and creative, which, all in all, makes for a very appealing storyline. Regardless of such optimistic facets, Shakespeare's signature mark within most of his plays is his combination of various assorted themes merged together within one captivating scenario. In this case, Macbeth is an ideal paradigm representing this talent. Unlike most his past plays, this particular storyline consists especially of gloomy and sinister themes: infidelity, treachery, lust for power, and ironical situations used to emphasize scenes of tragedy form most of Macbeth's foundation.

Early within the story, one can easily distinguish a crucial yet repetitive theme throughout the whole play: treachery, or infidelity. Despite of his short-lasted appearance within the play, the Thane of Cawdor immediately sets a tone for the subsequent themes to abide by. While meeting with King Duncan, Ross declares the Thane of Cawdor's infidelity by stating, "With terrible numbers,/Assisted by that most disloyal traitor/The thane of Cawdor, began a dismal conflict;" (1.2.50-52). Technically, since this example of deceit is simply mentioned once, it could be easily neglected, nonetheless, it definitely is a significant introduction to Scotland's current physical and political situation. In addition, Ross' declaration of the thane also generates an alleyway to the variety of diverse themes to take place within Macbeth.

Shakespeare's focal mouth-piece for this specific theme throughout the tale is Macbeth and his wife, referred to as Lady Macbeth within the play. Theoretically, being the main character, a great deal of attention is given to Macbeth, which permits the readers to precisely understand his thoughts and beliefs brought about through the use of numerous soliloquies. After having been deeply influenced by the witches' prophecies, one can effortlessly notice Macbeth's dramatic change in character; he now turns to sinful deeds in his endless hunt for power, which generally includes acts of treachery and duplicity. For instance, propelled by wife's exasperating manipulation and his own greed for supremacy, Macbeth's wicked state of mind drives him to slay the current, innocent king of Scotland, Duncan. "I go, and it is done; the bell invites me./Hear it not, Duncan; for it is a knell/That summons thee to heaven or to hell." (2.1.62-64).

Although he is unaware of it, Macbeth has literally fallen within a fatal, eternal loop of ambition. As soon as he immorally satisfies his current lust for power, his confidence diffuses into various feelings of anxiety, tension, and pressure, which ultimately leads to another foul act to secure his position. Macbeth's ambition basically escorts him to his own death, as well as that of several innocent citizens. His insane conscience leads him to savagely slaughter his very own associates, including Banquo, a noble warrior and once co-general.



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