Understanding Hrm
Essay by linda123456789 • January 23, 2013 • Essay • 430 Words (2 Pages) • 932 Views
There are a people in the work force that are under different protected classes distinguished by age, race, color, and may more. These individuals are covered under the Equal Employment Opportunity which protects them from any discrimination pertaining to acquiring employment. (Benowitz 2011)
In aspect of laws that I am going to inform Rich about is firstly dealing in the aspect of laws that are written in the number bracket of 15-20 employees (Strategic Human Resources, 2012). One of two that I will talk about is The Title VII, Civil Rights Act; this law states that people should not be discriminated against getting certain amounts of money or any other things for example like incentives, or special parties or vacation time. Due the fact that their age, sex and color do not fit the preferred bracket set by staff (Strategic Human Resources, 2012).
The second law that we will be discoing is The Americans with disabilities act (1990) which protects employees who are able to function properly and do their assigned job then having been judged before the process of the job description is discrimination. The employer has to accommodate for instance a person in a wheelchair can get a desk job, but If the employee can't speak or understand clearly then it is undue hardship to the employer in that case he does have to hire them.
The law that I will speak about lastly is in regards to the uniformed service and how they are by law to be given back their job without losing their position or their level of pay These laws include all military but also the reserves or national guard, they shall not be discriminated simply because they are called out to duty (Williams, S.2012)
Having a father in the military it was often that he was getting deployed from our home on different bases throughout this country, However he would work odd jobs for the family, Employers do not like the idea of losing a good employee whenever they must pick up and leave but according to the law now they have no choice but to rehire. And they are not allowed to lower the salary and give a lesser job.
From non-profits a year is 23,000. However the drawback is that the government can pull out whenever it wants. A local Government legally has the authority to contract with Nonprofit Organizations most salaries from non-profits a year is 23,000. However the drawbacks of the government pulling out its contracts it has made with nonprofit organizations can be devastating