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Understanding Previlege

Essay by   •  February 8, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,271 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,229 Views

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This week has been crazy. It just dawned on me that school is almost over, and summer is only weeks away. I can not believe that this year has flown by so fast. It seems like yesterday that I moved in to Santa Rosa, and now it is almost over. Although I am sad to leave my dorm friends, I am really excited to go home and enjoy the summer with my mom and friends from home. Hopefully, everything will be like it was before I left, and we all will just get along as well as we used to do. School this week has just sucked. I can not motivate myself to do anything, it is really sad. I hate getting up in the morning and going to class just because it is so nice outside, and I feel like being inside the class room all day would just be a waste of a day. One thing I have really been struggling with lately is my math class, which really worries me because usually math is not a problem for me but lately it has been awful. I think it has to do with the fact that I can not understand a word my professor is saying because he has a heavy accent, and the fact that he always feels he needs to prove things which just confuses me even more. I have been going to CLAS and so far, it has definitely been a big help so I hope I do ok. It was my friend's birthday on Tuesday and we took her out to breakfast and lunch, which was really fun it was probably the highlight of my week. I love her so much she is such a good friend, and I know she appreciated me trying to make her day extra special. I am really looking forward to this weekend because my mom and sister are coming to visit and we are going shopping at the outlet, and I cannot wait! Although summer is, only a few weeks away I still want her to come visit because I miss her a lot! My mom is the funniest person I have ever met in my life. No one in the world can put up with that she does, and she does it with a smile on her face. Another reason I am looking forward to this weekend is I am participating in the Relay for Life with my sorority, which is a walk that benefits people with cancer. A girl in our house is fighting cancer right now and I thought it would be a good way to show her that we care about her and that we support her in everyway. My roommate is also away until Monday, which makes me so happy. It is really nice sometimes to just have your own private time, and sometimes it is hard when you have a roommate. Spending time alone is one thing I really miss about home, but I guess I have to get used to the fact that I will have to share a room for the next few years. So far, this week has gone well, all I need to do is keep up with my schoolwork so I do not fall to far behind.


"Understanding Privilege," was a very interesting article, and I think it applies to many people at UCSB. The idea of privilege is something that is in every society whether anyone wants to acknowledge it. Like the author, said people are taught to not recognize the white privilege, just as men are taught not to recognize the male privilege. It is so sad to still think that a male privilege still exists. As a female, I think that is horrible, but no matter, what I know that is how it has always been. My father, being from Iran, demonstrates this with my brother and me. I am in college, and my dad still worries about me more than my brother, and even though my brother is 17 he gets to do way more than I did when I was 17, and it is so annoying. Another thing the author talked about was being able to count on certain conditions like being liked by teachers, and criticizing the government, and I often take these for granted and don't realize that some people aren't able to say they can



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