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Understanding the Kingdom

Essay by   •  November 16, 2010  •  Essay  •  1,288 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,738 Views

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Reconnecting With The Kingdom

In order for there to be a kingdom there have to be a king. And if there is a king he has a domain. His domain may consist of one or more territories. The king owns everything within his domain so therefore he has dominion over all things within his domain. In a kingdom there is no congress, no parliament, or house of representatives; that is to say; a king is not elected by the people but rather by hereditary right so his tenure as king is for life . .There is however a form of governing body called a monarchy . At the head of this monarchy is the monarch who is the king. Lets examine a few words of importance as they were used in describe in the kingdom.

First lets look at the word monarch " The meaning is supreme ruler; a exceptionally powerful person with great influence. And the Greek word for monarch is monorkhos which means rule alone.

2nd- Domain- The right of ownership.

3rd- Dominion- ruling power; authority; control and self governing

Now that we have established some of the facts of a kingdom we could use some of these concepts to understand a little about the kingdom of God. We know we cannot compare it ;because Mark 4,30- And he said, Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God? Or with what comparison shall we compare it? We learn from the description of the kingdom that the king owns everything in his territory. Also that he is the supreme ruler and has authority and control but how does the word of God show any parallel to this kingdom.

Psalm 24,1 - The earth is the lord and the fullness thereof the world and there that dwell there in.

Psalm 103,19- The lord had prepared his throne in the heaven and his kingdom ruled over all. Ex

After God has finished with his creation he gave man dominion over it. Early we looked at the word Dominion (Explain).Genesis 1,26-28

But man has allowed the enemy to infiltrate his trust in God and become disobedient to the laws of God, so man was stripped of his dominion and was driven from that which he was entrusted with. We know that the earthly kingdom which is ruled by man is temporary, because we know man doesn't live forever. We also know that the son of the king cannot become a king while his father is still alive. So in order for that son to become a king there have to be a separation .either by death or to move to a different territory.( Explain).

God in his mercy have seen the plight of man and see that the world was drifting into self destruction, so he send his only begotten into the world. God has to separate himself from his son and send him into a sinful world. JOHN 1.1In the beginning-----.He came in the form of flesh born of a woman. Matt 1-23 Behold a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son and they shall called his name Emmanuel; which been interpreted; God with us. Love is the essence of Gods character and because of his love for us he gave his only begotten son. John 3,16. (Explain). As we go through the bible we will find the kingdom mention on many occasions , but Jesus in his teaching have made many comparisons in parables as to what the kingdom of heaven is like unto. All throughout the gospel we will find Jesus teaching the kingdom. Mathew 13,2-3- And a great multitude where gathered together unto him so that he went into a ship and sat and the whole multitude stood on the shore and he spake many things unto them in parable.

Mathew 13, 10-11-and the disciples came and said onto him? Why speaks though unto them in parables, He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but to them it is not given.

The idea from keeping them from understanding is not a refusal on Jesus part to allow them only to be saved ,but rather to allow them to regain entrance into the kingdom they once



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