Us Foreign Policy
Essay by review • March 5, 2011 • Research Paper • 2,389 Words (10 Pages) • 2,853 Views
1. Introduction
The goals and norms of American foreign policy can be traced over a number of centuries. Starting in 1776, foreign policy in the United States (US) has gone through a rollercoaster of competing strategies and schools of thought. Two competing strategies of Isolationism and Internationalism have taken their turns headlining the foreign policy principles of various American governments. Importantly, the reasons for the to and fro movement between these two extremes can not be linked to a single source but to a multitude of elements both internal and external shaping American thinking.
In the sections that follow, a historical path will be traced through American foreign policy starting in 1776 with a watershed period between 1900 and 1946, followed by the years 1946 to 1989, and the post - Cold War period. Importantly post Ð'- 9/11 also needs to be discussed as a turning point not only in American foreign policy but global foreign policy. The main proponents of American foreign policy will be identified, along with the determinants at various periods of time that had an influence on American thinking. Finally an opinion of how US foreign policy has shaped the current world situation will be given.
2. The Introductory Years 1776 Ð'- 1900
America was colonised by people who felt the need to escape the European way of life and more particularly British rule. According to Kegley, Wittkopf and Scott (2003: 27) the need to develop a society free from persecution and embracing of civil and religious liberties laid the foundation of what would become the "nation's cherished political mythology", the fact that it was isolated from the rest of the world and an example to be followed. Between George Washington and John Adams, the first two presidents of the US, an impetus to remain uninvolved with European politics and alliances due to the fact that the search for power corrupted several European governments and the fear existed that this may spill over to the US (Kegley et al., 2003: 27).
With the arrival of Thomas Jefferson into the presidency, a new policy of Isolationism was seen as the best way to preserve the newly found freedom of the American people. Hill (2003:185) describes isolation as a reaction to the external and cultural influences which are seen as Ð''illegitimate' and threatening their existence and way of life. This strategy however requires strong centralised government and as Jefferson realised, favourable trade balances. As a result this period was marked by foreign policy goals requiring the ability to control and develop capabilities which would allow the US to take control over its connections with the old and new world (Kegley et al, 2003: 28).
Central to the Isolationism policy of the US was the fact that it was surrounded by the two great oceans. This expansion to both the Pacific and Atlantic coasts by the mid 1800s created a sense of invincibility in the minds of American leaders (Krauthammer, 2004). However this rapid expansion of the American state led to conflict based on several issues including slavery and resulted in a civil war lasting four years. This conflict delayed what Kegley et al.(2003: 28) refer to as Manifest Destiny, which was a sense that America, through isolationism, could best serve its perceived convictions that it had a higher purpose to serve in the world and not become involved in its conflicts.
These convictions were cemented through the Monroe Doctrine based upon the thoughts of President James Monroe. This doctrine is described by Dougherty and Pfaltzgraff (1981: 100) as maintaining the status quo of power balance in the Western Hemisphere, and an unwillingness to resist all change. This doctrine shaped America's foreign policy thinking in such a way that it turned its focus to the question of liberty and its maintenance. However Americas approach remained one of observer from afar, as John Quincy Adams stated that America will be with troubled states in spirit but would not send a physical presence (Kegley et al, 2003:30). This stance sprouted a unilateral stage in American foreign policy with the outcome of this phase of unilateralism resulting in America becoming the industrial power at the beginning of the 1900s. Carruthers (2005: 64) identifies America's rapid industrial expansion as one of the key features of the 1900s.
3. The 1900s up to the end of World War II
Initially foreign policy during this period rested upon what was known as Dollar diplomacy referring to America's preference for a business oriented foreign policy rather than the use of force (Kegley et al, 2003: 32). The rest of this period would be marked by three world changing events, namely the First and Second World Wars and the great depression. Two important US Presidents also appeared during this period.
The first was Woodrow Wilson, from 1912-1921. Wilson is most famous firstly for his long list of military interventions, depicting a shift in US policy towards interventionism. He is further remembered for his role in leading the US into World War I (WWI). And finally and perhaps most importantly from a global perspective, his calls for a system of collective security which eventually led to the formation of the League of Nations, the precursor to the United Nations (Kegley et al, 2003: 34). America's late entrance into WWI was followed by a world-wide impetus to not return to a state of war ever again. Wilson led this revolution with his famous fourteen points outlining his vision for a more peaceful and stable world order based upon economic liberalism, expanded sovereignty and the right to self-determination of states. This change in international diplomacy would form the foundation for a permanent structure to resolve disputes and threats to peace in the form of the League of Nations (Carruthers, 2005: 68).
The second was Franklin D. Roosevelt, during the World War II (WWII) period. Roosevelt entered into office shortly after the Great Depression of 1929. This event, according to Carruthers (2005: 73), had a global impact and showed how the US had grown in stature, considering the US Stock Market crash of October 1929 led to the start of the depression period, and could possibly have led to the conditions that made the accession to power of Hitler in Germany possible. In terms of US foreign policy the Great Depression marked a return to isolationist tendencies. This period was however put under pressure by the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939.
America started to move towards a period of liberal internationalism during the WWII period. Roosevelt