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Victorian Era

Essay by   •  January 22, 2013  •  Essay  •  494 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,155 Views

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The Victorian Era occurred in Britain during Queen Victoria's reign in the late 19th century. From 1837-1901, she was the first English monarch to see her name given to the period of her reign whilst still living (Shepard). Her reign brought forth and was inspired by its attention for high morals, modesty, and proper decorum ( The Victorian Era also occurred while the Industrial Revolution was producing profound economic and social changes, ranging from industrial, cultural, political, scientific, and military change ( These changes were bound to stir up emotion, question, and answer, for when there is a major change to something, there is always a result. The results that came out of this revolution brought forth both positive and negative outcomes.

Life prior to the Industrial Revolution and Victoria Era lacked technology. Therefore, it was much harder getting from point A to point B and finishing physical labor in a quick, timely manner. There was a much more hands-on experience that helped transform life into the way we see it today. Industrialization brought with it new markets, a consumer boom and greater prosperity for most of the propertied classes (Eric Evans). The Victorian Era was an optimistic time where developments in printing produced a proliferation of Victorian literature, specifically scrap art, cards, magazines, newspapers, novels, and periodical presses ( There were developments in gender and racial equality, specifically changes in the role of women, while the legal abolishment of slavery in America occurred. Religious faith also was challenged based on the advances of scientific knowledge, particularly in evolution ( This period was basically the beginning of Modern Times.

Because of these advancements in technology and the creation of factories, the idea of fashion began to blossom. In terms of style and fashion, the Victorian Era was extremely modest, however the pieces of clothing themselves incorporated lots of ornamentation. Because of the invention of the sewing machine during the Industrial Revolution, it became a lot easier for people to create new, elaborate garments. Exposing skin was more of a rare thing back in the 19th century, but dresses and stocking undergarments were cut in a style to show off the figure in a modest way. The dresses themselves were very elaborate meaning that sometimes it affected the



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