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Essay by   •  February 15, 2011  •  Essay  •  264 Words (2 Pages)  •  960 Views

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Wal-Mart has proven to be a leader in the brick and mortar world. But onlineÐ'...they are 13th on the list of top e-commerce sites as stated by Maguire. has been selling online since July of 1996. states along with applying many of the brick and mortar goals of: friendly service, high quality merchandise, everyday low prices they added "the best shopping experience on the internet." Cynthia Lin, Wal-Mart spokesperson stated "We recognized that one of the greatest values is in integrating the online and offline channel." This is implementing both environments to work together. You can upload your photos to have them printed and pick them up at your local store, or drop them off and have them uploaded to to share with family. You can order replacement tires online and have them installed at the store. You can place a pharmacy order online to be picked up.

Gartner Research Director Geri Spieler states the internets "not where their customer base is." Maguire also states in the article "As for the other reason that isn't an online leader, Spieler echoes a sentiment voice by many e-commerce analysts. In general, she says, the members of the retail segment are "technology laggards." "They're not as techno savvy as their Web sites would have you believe." Maguire points out that lacks in customer personalization and would never be described as high tech when compared to Amazon.

Maguire said, "According Lin, the company mails 90 million copies of its ad circular every month - meaning it's probably one of the most widely circulated publications in America."



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