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Web Development

Essay by   •  December 11, 2010  •  Essay  •  1,866 Words (8 Pages)  •  1,568 Views

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Developing Web contents involves shaping and making many choices involving technical, aesthetic, and usability concerns. With the expanding technical options for communication on the World Wide Web, it is tempted to focus only on issues such as hypertext markup language (HTML) syntax, page layout, or the latest and flashiest technologies. However, there needs to be a broader approach in order to articulate the information content that is to be conveyed. There is also a need to pay attention to the characteristics and qualities of the Website as a medium for communication so that there are not merely duplicate practices intended for paper and other media.

In order to develop a broader perspective of Websites, developers can draw on many existing concepts from technical communication and software engineering practices. This report is will briefly describe the importance of web design and how innovation can better improve websites on the internet.

A web's design is essentially its look and feel. A good design should take into account all the web elements-audience information, purpose, and objective statements, domain information, and web specifications and combine them to produce a plan for implementing the website. Web developers then use this design and the web specifications to create a working website.

Web designers make many choices about how to best achieve the effects called for by the web-planning process, the purpose and objective statements, and audience information. Web designers also rely on a repertoire of techniques for packaging, linking, and cueing information using one or more design methodologies. The design process, however, is just one process in the interlocking web development processes.

Designing a web involves considering the user's experience and meeting the user's needs by shaping information. In doing this, it should be strive to follow the principles and goals of a user centered web design process to develop a web efficiently, is consistent, and is aesthetically pleasing.

The web designer understands a user's experience of information space, texture, and cues, and uses design techniques to package and link information in a way that best meets a user's abilities and needs. A designer can approach the overall process of web design by using a top-down, bottom-up, or in-time/incremental methodology. A web designer uses a variety of techniques to specify the look and feel of the web through a cluster diagram showing web packages and pages, through a link diagram, or through a universal grid for an overall pattern for page development. A web developer might unintentionally create many problems in the process of web design: a page with no accessible context (the page from outer space), a page with an overabundance of information texture or information (the monster page), a page with too many multimedia effects, particularly inline graphics (multimedia overkill as well as clown pants and K00L design), an uneven page with items at inconsistent levels of detail, and meaningless links that distract from the user's ability to access useful information.

The overall process of web design involves both acquired skills in information design and acquired experience in design problems and their solutions. No web design is flawless, but the task of a web designer should be to always strive to improve a web's design to better meet the needs of users.


A website is not a static product that can be deployed and then abandoned. New information, users with unique needs, and opportunities for additional services constantly are introduced to the Internet world. Therefore, you will need to use a process of continuous innovation to improve and expand the web's services, usability, consistency, and the integration of the internet with all the organization's communications systems.

The innovation process works closely with the other processes of web development. Innovation is a complement to each of the web development processes. It draws information them about the current web and identifies new needs for web to serve users. No one person on a web development team should be designated as the single web innovator. Instead, all the team members should participate in innovation.

Innovation is a creative, dynamic process that can not be summarized in a series of steps. Instead, innovation is a repertoire of skills in creatively monitoring and understanding the needs of the user and then developed the web to meet those needs. Because the World Wide Web is dynamic, highly enmeshed, competitive, and is often continuously available, global service, developing a web never stops. The information space in which a web operates constantly changes. The amount that a web changes depends on the users' needs, the nature of the domain information, and other factors such as growth of competitive webs. The key to approaching this need for continuous development is to keep all web development processes operating. After plans are made for a website, working on the planning analysis, design, implementation and promotion of a web need to communicate with each other, work together to accomplish many tasks, and continuously strive to improve the web for the good of the user.

Unceasingly work for innovative techniques used for a web's presentation and content so that it meets and exceeds the users' changing needs. Creatively experiment in nontraditional expression to exploit new hypermedia features and techniques that meet the users' needs. Adjust a web's development processes to allow new ideas, approaches, and techniques, so that creatively can flourish.

Monitor the User's Information Environment

Web developers should keep informed of similar or competitors' webs that may share the web's purpose and audience. If appropriate, developers might consider collaborating with competitors' webs so that each organization can focus on a specialization and share the benefits of greater user service.

Web developers also should be aware of their audience's professional societies, trade shows, conventions, periodicals, related Net resources, and changing interests. Web developers may have to accomplish this through off-Web channels (on the Net) or through print magazines, journals, and newsletter. Knowing what information the audience is involved with and how its members' interests and pursuits are changing can help identify new needs that a web may serve.

Web developers also should be aware of how their users perceive the web. Building a web's reputation for quality, comprehensiveness,



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