Welding Blueprints and Symbols
Essay by thehulk61 • March 31, 2017 • Course Note • 3,503 Words (15 Pages) • 1,347 Views
Fill in the blanks.
Welding Blueprints Segment
1. Blueprints
- Are ____to scale___________ drawings of a structure
– can be as _____small__________ as a single weld or as complex as a skyscraper
- Include all needed information to construct the project
2. Sketches
- Are _____free __________-hand drawings of objects or structures
- Are not to-scale and are only temporary approximations
- Differ from _____blueprints__________, or drawings, in that no measuring tools are used to create them
Take Notice: Measuring tools could include straight edges or types of squares, such as T-squares.
3. Types of Blueprints
• Include:
- elevation drawings
- ______floor_________ plans
- isometric detail drawings
- _______multiview________ drawings
Take Notice: Blueprints can also be called drawings or plans
4. Elevation Drawings
• Are _______two________ dimensional drawings which show the front, side or rear of a structure
– most blueprints have _______four________ elevations included:
front, back and both sides of the structure
5. Floor Plans
- Show the _______location________ of walls, windows and all other large, built-in features in a proposed structure
- Are always from a top view
- Indicate the ________measurements_______ for all rooms and openings
6. Orthographic Detail Drawings
- Are 2-D drawings of ________3D_______ objects
- Are primarily represented through three different orthographic views
- top
- ______front_________
- right
[pic 1]
7. Isometric Detail Drawings
- Are 3-D drawings of objects drawn at an _______angle________
- Usually include _______notes________ and specific labels to explain the drawing
8. Multiview Drawings
- Show the object or structure from _______different________ angles or views on the ______same_________ page
- Commonly show the top view, isometric view, front view and right side view of an object
9. Welding Blueprints
- Are included in normal blueprints to instruct welders in the specifics of the weld required for the structure
- Include:
- type of material to be ______welded_________
- welding process required
- type of weld used
- location and ______size_________ of weld
Welding Blueprints Components Segment
1. Parts of a Blueprint
- Are standardized to make sure the proper information is communicated
- Include:
- ______information_________ blocks
- finish marks
- notes and specifications
- ______legends_________
- symbols
2. Information Blocks
- Provide the reader with necessary ______information_________ about the blueprint
- information may not already be shown in the blueprint or may need more detail
- Include:
- title block
- revision block
- reference number
- ______zone_________ number
- scale block
- bill of materials
3. The Title Block
- Contains all information needed to ______identify_________ a drawing
- Is usually located at the ______bottom_________ or lower right corner of a drawing
- Includes:
- drawing number
- drawing title
- name and address of organization preparing the drawing
- scale
- authentication
- date
4. The Revision Block
- Is used to identify _____revisions__________ made to a drawing
- Will include any and all revisions
- Is located in the upper ______right_________ corner of the drawing
[pic 2]
5. The Drawing Number
- Is located in the lower _______right________ corner of the title block
– the drawing number can also be near the top of the blueprint
- Is usually formatted to _____identify__________ the page in a set of drawings – example: Page 5 of 10
6. Reference Numbers
• Are used to direct the reader to a _______detailed________ drawing and to identify the detailed drawing
[pic 3]
7. Zone Numbers
- Are used to direct the reader to a specific point on the blueprint, just like a ______map_________
- Coordinate to specific letters and numbers associated with
______horizontal_________ and vertical lines
- Are read left to right
[pic 4]
8. The Scale Block
- Explains the scale of the drawing in relation to actual measurements – Example: 1” = 10’
- Is within the ______title_________ block
– the scale of the drawing is chosen to fit the drawing on one blueprint sheet
Scale- measurement used to describe the dimensions of an object or structure on a ratio basic
9. The Bill of Materials
- Contains detailed information on the parts, equipment and supplies needed for the project
- Is developed by considering the _______specifications________, identifying the sequence of assembly and filling in the needs of the project
- Is also known as a _______cutting________ list
10. Finish Marks
- Are used to designate _______materials________ surfaces which need a machined finish
- Are not the same as the marks which designate painting, varnishing, plating or other coatings
– Some examples include:
- C-chipping
- G-______grinding_________
- M-machining
11. Notes & Specifications
• Are used to ______flarify_________ the drawing further
- notes are placed on the drawing and explain the graphic on the drawing
- specifications are separate documents or other forms detailing requirements or contract _______limitations________ on parts or other components of a project
[pic 5]
12. Legends
- Are placed in the _______upper________ right corner, below the revisions block
- Define the _____symbols__________ and lines used on the blueprint
[pic 6]
Scales of Measurement Segment
1. Scale
• Is a method of _______measurements________ allowing dimensions on a drawing or map to be converted and applied to full size objects