What If Computers Started to Take over Society as We Know It Today!!!!!
Essay by Debbie Sanchez • February 21, 2018 • Coursework • 428 Words (2 Pages) • 823 Views
Essay Preview: What If Computers Started to Take over Society as We Know It Today!!!!!
Are we too dependent on technology today's society? Almost everything we do today is surrounded by technology and almost everything we do today is computer related. In just about every business, store, shopping center, homes, and let's not forget cell phones with WiFi connection, and with wireless web access. And typically the homes without a computer usually have a gaming system. Now in this day of the computer, I want to talk about peoples involvement with computers. It's now becoming very obvious that there is a new addiction around and it'sbeing addicted to computers/internet. As humans we are abandoning the natrual things in life that truly. Children and parents are no longer acting as if they were not even related. Parents don't even try talking to children when in same home as them. They make dinner and contact whole house hold on cell phone. Family comes gets plate and goes back to their rooms, there isn't even family dinners at the table anymore. We asked one family to put all devices away for just one week to see if they can do it. As their devices were locked away I glanced over at the family who seemed to have just a complete blank, loss look on their faces as if they didn't know what to do next. They started off very angry but by end of week were thanking us because they got to find themselves once again. In the process of doing this experiment and writing this, it became very interesting, it's about this point I realized that people are getting extremely too wrapped up in the computer these days and are forgetting one task in life, and that is actually to live life. Computer addiction covers a large portion of behaviors and impulsive control problems. There are even symptoms to this addiction, wrist pain (carpal tunnel), dry mouth, migraine headache, sleep disorder, swelling extremities, not eating properly. Thier common sense of reality is gone and the individual trys to escape into his own little world. They also find themselves unable to communicate with others. It also becomes extremely dangerous because when you escape in your mind it makes it easier for the criminal element to move right in. Humans will be illiterate being that computers are moving right in. Computers are making the brain to be lazy and kicked back, meaning stop computer addiction today. This paper is the only way I knew how do my hypothesis and research for this assignment.