What Were Brooks’ Assumptions About Kravitz’s Abilities, Attitudes and Motivations? on What Were These Assumptions Based?
Essay by 佳昀 劉 • October 19, 2017 • Study Guide • 1,663 Words (7 Pages) • 1,578 Views
Essay Preview: What Were Brooks’ Assumptions About Kravitz’s Abilities, Attitudes and Motivations? on What Were These Assumptions Based?
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- What were Brooks’ assumptions about Kravitz’s abilities, attitudes and motivations? On what were these assumptions based?
Abilities: Brooks was initially unhappy because he was told to report to Kravitz, but he had a positive thinking to work with Kravitz. He thought that Kravitz was a decent person and this was a chance to prove him in a different profession area. Brooks felt that he would do better if he was the supervisor. Furthermore, felt that he was unable to balance his excitement to get Chucks to endorse with his abilities. During his discussion with Kravitz, he could sense that she tried to understand his concerns and wanted to help him as she can as well as find an alternative on working on the SO’s even though it seemed unachievable.
Attitudes: Brooks knew Kravitz from some committee work before and he felt that she was a sensible person to work with. Her hard work, contribution and effort had led her to be known as well-respected manager. Brooks also felt that Kravitz was a helpful person as she provided him with some guides and suggestions. She was very enthusiast, determinant in helping and influencing him with positive thinking even though of his bad reviews in the company. She believed in him.
Motivations: It was her responsibility to get his work done as a supervisor and especially as a woman, it was especially important for her to prove herself as a strong leader that deliver results and that his results will affect her.
Abilities: Brooks thought that Kravitz was unfair and unrealistic while giving work to the team. Brooks was already busy with the environment project but he still had to handle 2 SO’s while others had more time to do less amount of work loads. He felt that Kravitz was demoting and stereotyping him, because Brooks was inexperienced in the African American and Latino vertical but he was still assigned to those markets to work upon while others tend to work non-geographical classification product.
Attitudes: He thought that Kravitz was not very realistic and considerate, she did not oppose or suggest Chuck when he was assigned with more work load. Brooks felt that Kravitz was losing trust on him too when she sent him a contract outlining the terms of agreement. Lastly Brooks also felt Kravitz was too rude and was pressuring him too much. She did not understand from his point of view regarding the trip and the way Kravitz manage and pressure him about the deadlines was not part of the company's culture. He may think that she was too strict.
Motivations: A part of Kravitz motivation may be Brook's bad reputation that may lead to difficulty in finding another job in the company so she may want to change this bad review of him. The overall performance of Brooks will definitely affect Kravitz so a part of Kravitz motivation is to motivate Brooks. Aside from that, she may want to keep up with her good reputation and advance to a higher position in the company.
- What were Kravitz’s assumptions about Brooks’ abilities, attitudes and motivations? On what were these assumptions based?
Abilities: He's a charming businessman that has a negative reputation for his performance but Kravitz thinks that he could be a star and had the ability to do a great job as she finds him professional when working with him in other committees. She believes in him and thinks he has a potential. She also had high expectations on him of well-developed execution plan since it is part of his profession. In addition, he is also open that lead to good, direct and honest.
Attitudes: Since she had only worked in the company for only 18 months while he had worked there for 3 years she thinks that he was really used to the company culture and also felt a comedown to report to her since he also had a priority to organise his staff instead. Furthermore, he was not planning or willing to stay at Strategic's for a long time hence he had no eagerness in working on the project.
Motivations: Brooks wants to get to the next position and get back to managing his staff. He wants to be recognized and appreciated.
Abilities: She was impressed on how diligently and impressed with his effort he in working on the environmental project and that he was opened and willing to listen to her suggestions. He was also working with great quality and submitting before deadlines but he did not have a very clear standard or structure in writing his interim reports which was sketchy.
Attitudes: He was no very good at expressing himself, less communicative and also very determinant and hard headed. He was not willing to find an alternative regarding his unwillingness to work on his two SO’s and was only willing to do things of his favor. Furthermore, he is actually open-minded but when there is a conflict that cause unwillingness, he will only put minor effort, no commitment and is less willing to express his doubts and feelings to her. Moreover, she also threw parties and cared for him a lot but it seemed like he did not appreciate much. He is not serious enough with his work too. He was not aiming for the best, all he aims for is just to meet the expectation and not anything more. He is also very influenced by the company’s culture for instance taking advantage of a one week trip and that pressuring him to finish his SO’s before deadlines is something unusual in the company which made him think is unreasonable. Overall he is not very dependable and is irresponsible.