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Whether to Cloning or Not?

Essay by   •  December 11, 2010  •  Essay  •  1,616 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,578 Views

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Whether to Cloning or Not?

Under utilitarianism there will be more utility in adopting a child. According to the greatest happiness principle, "Ð'...actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reserve of happiness." (p.18) Mill's utilitarianism requires the parents to consider all there options in depth, what will be the effects of the options, and evaluate the option in terms of happiness. Through these steps, we will be certain if adopting the child will produce the most happiness.

Before answering the questions we need know certain facts about the children and the parents. We need to know if the cloned child will be normal, if she or he will question his or her parent decision after their birth. We need to also know about the adopted child, whether he or she is happy at the current home (agency), will the child be better off or more happy with a family, whether the child is normal, what will be the child's age, what about his or her physical appearances, and is the child is nice and kind (no behavioral problems). What about the parents? Are the parents nice and kind (no history of crime), have they looked at all types of adoption agency, will they be that unhappy with the adopted child they will never adopt a child. What is the parents' social class, what kind of people are they? These are some types of the facts that need to be looked at when answering the question which will produce the most happiness.

We have to look at the whole picture including the cloned child, the adopted child, the parents, and also the adoption agency and the cloning clinic. The cloned child needs to be looked at two different ways if the child is normal it will be happy but what if the child turns out a little different (abnormalities) then what happens to the child's happiness. The cloned child will not be happy or unhappy unless the parents decide to have him or her thus we cannot look at this factor because the cloned child cannot state his or her happiness or unhappiness until he or she is born. Secondly, we need to look at the adopted child if this child will be happy in staying with adoption agency. Most of the time we know that child in the agency wants to move to a better life and better future. The child in the adoption agency almost every time will want to move to home where he or she will have parents and family that will take care of them as well as respect and value them. The child will miss his or her friend and maybe the adoption agency (depends on the age) which will cause them to be sad thus causing pain, but this pain will go away in the future. Thirdly, the parents will value the child that has been cloned which means that they will be happy causing pleasure. We know that they are unwilling to adopt a child but if worst comes to worst (no cloning) the parents will adopt a child if they like children causing some happiness (pleasure). The parents will be little disheartened (pain) if they could not have a cloned baby. Lastly, the adoption agency and cloning clinic will also have to be looked at because they play an important role in terms of happiness (pleasure and pain). The adoption agency will be happy because they will like the child that is being adopted to succeed. They will also want the child to go to a good loving home. Also the staff in the agency will want the best for the child, loving parent, home and good future. Thus, the agency as a whole will be happy for the child causing pleasure. On the other hand, the cloning clinic will only look at cloning in terms money because for a fact cloning for a long time now and in the future will be expensive. The cloning clinic will only worry about the money for example in hospital we can see when we go to hospital, the hospital registrar will ask for insurance or some type of payment. Clinics will not value a child but rather value things of no importance thus they clinic as a whole will have no care the cloned child which will result in no pleasure or pain.

Consequently, we need to look at the effects of the options that we picked and evaluate the effects. We need to maximize total happiness and minimize total pain, so we must add up all the pleasures and all the pains. "Ð'...pleasure and freedom of pain are the only things desirable as endsÐ'..." (p.19) Then compare the options, and choose the option that produces the greatest net happiness meaning that it can cause pleasure (weighed heavily) for some and pain (weighed less heavily) for other. Cloned child will have neither pleasure nor pain but it will cause the parents of the cloned child joy and pleasure but it will cause to be adopted child pain as well as the adoption agency. Therefore this option will cause more pain and suffering thus this option will go against the greatest happiness principle. Adopting the child will cause the most happiness thus making it the right choice. It will be the best option because it will make the adopted child the adoption agency be so much happier. Adopting the child will cause the parents pain however in Mill's utilitarianism pleasure for some can out weigh others. This means the pain of the parent can be discarded because it the pleasure of the child that will be adopted and the adoption agency will be greater and will out weigh all the other choices.

There are many consequences for the broader society because if all



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