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White Privilege

Essay by   •  March 20, 2013  •  Essay  •  1,415 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,331 Views

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White privilege is a term that is used to describe certain unintentional benefits that are given to people because of their skin color. It is very distinct from racism, as the recipients of the privileges may be unaware that they are in a race based system of advantage. Author Peggy McIntosh refers to white privilege as the "invisible weightless knapsack of special provisions" that are "unearned" by individuals with white skin. Many individuals are divided over the presence and prevalence of white privilege in society. Some people believe it is a growing problem with no solution, while others consider this concept as irrelevant and non-existent.

The concept of white privilege was introduced in 1935 by W. E. B. Du Bois. He believed that white individuals held a "special status" that divided the labor force by leading low-wage white workers to feel superior to low-wage black workers (Du Bois, 1935). Du Bois identified white supremacy as a global phenomenon that affected an individual's condition based on the color of their skin. White privilege was later categorized as an "institutional and individual manifestation of racism, however indirectly or unintentionally" (Zetzer, 2005).

The concept of white privilege is not determined by whether you believe in the superiority of one race or not, it is the theory that preferential treatment has been granted towards white people weather deserved or not. Studies have shown that white-preferred hiring and housing practices are still in effect, even for individuals with identical backgrounds. Other studies show that white people are still far more likely to get better positions and more job offers than non-whites. This stark contrast suggests this is due to the racial makeup of individuals, rather than their qualifications. To further demonstrate this contrast, the New Century Foundation, which studies federal crime reports, found significant differences in crime ratios between races. They found that African American's are seven times more likely than people of Caucasian dissent to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.

White privilege can also be evidenced in public education, where the color of one's skin plays a major factor in the education system. Children in classrooms are often divided by ability, and as white children are generally better prepared for school due to early learning opportunities, they are often segregated from students of color, and placed with students of higher skill level. A study was conducted from 2000 - 2010 that demonstrated the education disparity between African American's and Caucasians. It was found that 929,106 Caucasians earned a bachelor's degree during those years, while only 108,013 African American's earned a degree during the same period (U.S. Department of Education, 2012). While statistics may show that an intelligence gap does exists, a direct correlation can be drawn from the increased opportunities individuals receive because of white privilege.

While there may be many evidences that point to privileges white people are granted, many argue that too much attention is given to this entitlement. It is quickly pointed out that hundreds of scholarships and programs are available only to minority children students, completely excluding white students from applying for these opportunities. Freedom of speech is also limited by fear of appearing racist. In society, certain words and statements are considered unbelievably racist when said by a white person, although when the same statement is said by a minority it is considered acceptable.

Compelling argument has proven the reality and existence of white privilege. Although we live in a world where racism has been denounced, white people have not relinquished the privileges they have gained and feel entitled to. White privilege is a form of racism. This inexcusable form has become a prerogative to those unwilling to recognize its existence. Individuals need to speak out against "white privilege", and develop a scrutiny that can give rise to organized protests, marches, and work within the political system to fairly bestow opportunities and privileges.

The existence of this privilege should have no residence in the workplace. While recognizing the existence of white privilege, I denounce the effects and influences it has. I believe every individual, regardless of ethnicity, should enjoy the opportunities bestowed upon them. Privilege could also be known as entitlement. This sense of entitlement is very evident in my desired field of occupation, dentistry. Many doctors feel they have earned this privilege because of their extensive schooling and training. I've worked around many dentists that truly believe because they are of Caucasian decent, they are superior to those of color. There are two dentists at the office I currently work at; one Caucasian dentist, and another of Asian descent. Many times I have heard the younger (lesser experienced) white dentist make racial remarks about the other Asian dentist. Is the white dentist more knowledgeable or educated? No, but his sense of white privilege and entitlement has led him to believe that he is better than the more knowledgeable Asian dentist. To overcome the negative effects of white privilege, one must acknowledge the existent of such behavior, and determine to overcome its negative approach.

This issue is relevant to career development due to the negative diversity in inflects upon the workplace. Diversity in



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