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Who Is Jesus

Essay by   •  November 13, 2010  •  Essay  •  1,013 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,058 Views

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Jesus Christ. I am sure you have all heard his name mentioned many times before at some point within your lives. His name is often associated with Christmas since many believe that it is the day he was born to a virgin mother in Bethlehem. His name also comes up frequently during Easter amongst families who celebrate Easter in remembrance of his death on the cross at Calvary. Is He more than a simple name to be associated with during Holidays or at church? Is his life more than mere stories told to teach kids how they should act, and to scare them into behaving by telling them that they can not hide anything from him? I answer these questions with a confident, "Yes," because I have seen the hand of Jesus Christ working in my life many times.

Less known than his miraculous birth and his tragic, sacrificial death is his life between these two points. Jesus came from humble beginnings. He was born in a meager manger to a virgin mother, then cared for by her and by her husband, Joseph, the carpenter. Even in his youth, Jesus was someone to look up to. In Luke, chapter two verses 40-49, it states that one day, when Jesus was twelve years old, he and his family went into Jerusalem for the Passover feasts like they did every year. When the feast was over, his family left, heading for their home. After a day's worth of slowly progressing travel, they realized that Jesus was not with them. They turned around and returned to Jerusalem at that same slow pace in search of young Jesus. When they found him, he was sitting in a temple talking to a group of "doctors." These doctors "were astonished at his understanding." of their questions. Even at the age of twelve years old, Jesus was wise enough to talk to doctors and astonish them with his vast knowledge.

A hypocrite is one character flaw that completely revolts me in a person. Fortunately, Jesus never had such an atrocious flaw in his character. He not only taught people to live a saintly life, but he lived one himself. This proved to me that it is not an unreasonably difficult standard to set for your life as well. One example of Jesus' lack of hypocrisy was when he lived up to his teachings through his baptism. Jesus preached to all who would hear that they needed to repent and be baptized. Not only did he preach this, but he went to John the Baptist and he himself was baptized so that others would have an ensample to follow.

Jesus was very strong in his faith in God, his heavenly father. He was one hundred percent human, and yet he still dared to resist the wiles of the devil. In the book of Matthew, chapter four verses 2-10 it states, "And when he [Jesus] had fasted forty days and forty nights.he hungered, and was left to be tempted of the devil." It goes on to tell that Jesus was tempted three times by the devil. Once he was tempted to turn stone into bread. He retorted that man should live not only by bread, but by every word that came from the mouth of God. The second temptation came in the form of a dare. He was tempted to jump off of the highest point of a temple.



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