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Who Killed Jfk

Essay by   •  February 4, 2011  •  Research Paper  •  1,477 Words (6 Pages)  •  2,532 Views

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Due to the vast speculations of the assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas the mystery of what really happened still lies amongst us today. From theory to theory there is no telling what the true motive in killing the President really was. Among the various theories are those that involve the Chicago mafia, Lee Harvey Oswald attempting the murder by himself, and the left and right wing factions of the U.S. government. After several investigations, there is no real proof, for any one of these theories.

On November 22, 1963, Kennedy rode in an open limousine, accompanied by his wife Jacqueline Kennedy. Texas governor the Connally's were seated in front of the Kennedy's, with the governor sitting in front of the President. Two Secret Service agents were in the limousine's front seat. Soon after Kennedy's limousine turned from Houston Street onto Elm Street into Dealey Plaza, witnesses began hearing shots ring out. Less than a second after Kennedy's limousine passed beneath an oak tree, Kennedy appeared to clutch or reach toward his throat or upper chest with both hands. Kennedy's wife Jacqueline, seated to his left, quickly turned to see what was going on with her husband. "Governor Connally showed clear signs of having been struck by a bullet about half a second after Kennedy began to bring his hands up toward the area of his throat"(Griffith 1). Several seconds after the first shot was heard, witnesses saw the President's head explode. As a result of gunfire, "he raised his right hand, as though to brush back his tousled chestnut hair. But the motion faltered. The hand fell back limply. He had been reaching for the top of his head. But it wasn't there any more"(Manchester 158). The shot was the last and final fatal shot at Dealey plaza. The limousine then sped off toward Parkland Hospital.

After forty-two years, several conspiracy theories still circulate. Many of these theories began to spread within days after the President's assassination. Shock, anger, and sadness spread across the country and the world. JFK's assassination was the first for an American President in modern times.

According to the article, "Latest JFK Theories," "To study the assassination of John F. Kennedy is to study American history, politics, organizing crime, government, and much more" (latest JFK Theories 1). An understanding has come clear that four shots were fired at JFK, including three from behind, and one from the right/front of the President's limousine. An attempt is and has been made to assemble the pieces of this puzzle into some logical conclusions. It is hard to determine what actually happened in Dealey Plaza, while at the same time the number one theory has pointed the finger at the Chicago mafia. Although much of organized crime was not involved on a national level, local mafia members probably played some sort of drastic part in the assassination.

As we dig deeper into the inner workings of the government, it is amazing to learn that the CIA was working with the mafia and exiled Cubans to overthrow Castro's government, and Kennedy actually had planned to assassinate Castro using several of his own mafia killers. "Yet Castro had more personal reasons to hate the Kennedy administration" (Hildebrand 1). "According to mafia Godfather Joe Bomanno, Sam Giancanca (one of the head mafia

members of the Chicago families) ordered the hit on JFK. Giancanca placed shooters in three different locations such as an overpass, in the sewer on Elm Street, and in the Texas School Book Depository" ("Lasted JFK Theories 3). However, it is possible that the actual events could have occurred differently. It is noted that mobster Johnny Roselli was identified as one of the shooters from the second floor on the Daltex Building, and not the sewer. Although there are plenty of inconsistencies regarding the exact details, it is very probable that the Chicago mafia was responsible for the assassination of JFK.

Now, the mafia obviously had to have a motive to kill John F. Kennedy if indeed they were part of the conspiracy. According to many, "it was previously believed that the Chicago mobsters might have orchestrated the plan to assassinate President Kennedy" ("Latest JFK Theories" 3). On one hand, JFK critically used the mob to win the election as well as to take care of business or to do the President's dirty work. On the other hand, JFK employed Robert F. Kennedy as Attorney General to prosecute and get rid of the mafia leaders. Although the Chicago mafia might have been responsible for ordering the hit on JFK, it is still unclear to see whether they were influenced or assisted by some members of the CIA or some other sort of government agency ("Lasted JFK Theories" 1). "So who killed JFK?" As soon as the President passed speculations of Lee Harvey Oswald being responsible, the President's death rose among American's.

When people started to get suspicious about the mystery involving the murder, President Lyndon B. Johnson dispatched the Warren Commission. This was commanded to investigate and silence all doubts concerning the mystery around the murder of JFK. The Warren Commission established a single bullet theory. This stated that two of the President's wounds, and all five of Governor Connally's were caused by a "magic bullet", "The commission proposed that a single bullet fired from the depository building struck President Kennedy in the base of the back of his neck, exited from his throat, and then passed downward through governor Connally's



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