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Why Be a Racist?

Essay by   •  November 27, 2010  •  Essay  •  1,104 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,409 Views

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Research Paper

Why be a Racist?

They were walking down an alley one day when a group of people suddenly surrounded them. Before the couple could say, "excuse me" and leave they were forcefully parted. The female was badly beaten and the male's legs were broken. Right before the group of people were leaving one of them stated, "that's what you get for being on our land you sand niggers". Now days in this hateful society of ours we tend to view other people of different skin colors negatively. It is a harsh reality to face I know but there are people that strongly dislike people of other races. Another term for this act is Racism. People that follow racism are known as racists. Racism can affect anyone regardless if you are male or female. Racism did not start recently but long before any of us were born. When we think of racism we tend to only think of black vs. white, but honestly it includes every race that is in our nation. For example during World War II the race of Japanese people were put in concentration camps supposedly for safety of our land, or after 9/11 Arab Americans or people that were Muslims that looked similar to Arabs descendents were treated unjustly and violently by so called "rightful Americans". Seeing an individual that is different can lead others to be disgusted by his or her sight. This disgusted thought at times can lead to violence. Violence as majority of society supposedly believes is somewhat of an answer to problems. I strongly disagree with that, I believe that there are non-violent approaches that can stop racism in our society.

People with hateful minds will usually always use the path of violence to resolve his or her problems. One approach that can be used to avoid going to a violent path is silence. Silence I believe is the strongest key to non-violence. Confrontation usually starts when the other person speaks back. The silent treatment to an ill-mannered individual will affect him or her more than a fist. For example if I was sitting at Trabant drinking coffee late at night and a guy came up to me (someone of a different race) trying to start an argument with me, saying hateful comments such as "we don't need your kind here" or "why don't you go back where you came from and live with those dirty camels you sand nigger". How would I respond to such an insult in a non-violent manner? I can get up looking away and leave without saying anything, leaving him there by himself. Now he might think that he got the best of me and feel like a tough guy or just maybe my silent non-violent reaction can make him realize his fault. I am not saying that is will work on everyone but just one person changing can make a big difference. Then of course there are still others who will always stick to violence and just keep coming at you.

Dating in our society is widely practiced. Another non-violent approach that can maybe decrease racism is interracial mating. People of different ethnic backgrounds should learn to appreciate one another by the means of a simple relationship. If I had the resources I would like to propose a dating organization. In this organization the only rule is that you have to find someone of a different race. Soon after the couples get to know one another and develop feelings for one anther they would be instructed to go out in public and show as much of love and affection they can toward each other.



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