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Why Did God Create the Church?

Essay by   •  December 6, 2010  •  Essay  •  1,093 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,603 Views

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There are a lot of different reasons of why people go to church. Some go to church because they are in need of help. Some go because they feel lost and need guidance in their lives. Most people only go on special occasions such as Christmas, Easter or Thanksgiving. I believe that the church should be a place where people come to worship, fellowship with others of the same faith and a place to learn and grow in the word of God. Another reason for the church is to evangelize and get the word of God to places where people have never heard the gospel. Matthew 28:19 is the great commission where Jesus told His disciples to go out into all the nations sharing the gospel.

Worship is what churches should thrive on. There are a lot of different verses in the Bible about worship, but one of my favorites is Psalm 29:2. It says, "Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness." Worship should be the main purpose that we come to church. It should be the ultimate goal of the church. In the book, Let the Nations be Glad by John Piper, it quotes, "Missions exist because of worship doesn't. Worship is the ultimate, not missions, because God is ultimate, not man. When we arrive at church, our hearts should be prepared to worship. If there is anything that is not right in our hearts we should get it right before the Lord so that we can have a heart of worship. We should give glory where glory is due. "For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in you spirit, which are God's (1 Corinthians 6:20)." God gave up His only Son for our sake, so we should praise Him and honor Him in everything we do. So, therefore, worship should be the ultimate goal of the church, because it brings glory to God and is the fuel of our ministries.

Evangelizing the word of God is an important factor of the church. There are a lot of people out there in the world that have never heard about God. Or maybe they have but have never had the chance to accept Jesus as their Savior. "...How shall they believe on whom they have not heard?.." (Romans 10:14) Jesus makes it very clear that He wants us to go out and share His love with everyone. In the book, A Purpose Driven Church, it says to know what you are fishing for. Go where the fish are biting. If people are not responsive to the Holy Spirit then they will not listen to you. You have to know when they are being difficult or unresponsive. Also in chapter 10 of A Purpose Driven Church, it says that the most effective evangelism occurs when people talk to others who have things in common. I agree with this. My year at BBC, I went down to the square every weekend to pass out tracts and talk to people. I wasn't very successful but I noticed that it was very easy for others that were in the group that I went with. What was the difference? They related more with the people down at the square. Much of that crowd comes from unloved homes or rough childhoods. I can't say that I know what it feels to be unloved and as far as a rough childhood, I don't believe I had it very hard one at all. I have my crowd that I can relate too, but it wasn't at the square. When reading the book Inside the Mind of Unchurched Harry and Mary, I learned that the unchurched Harry doesn't want to just be somebody's project, but he wants to be somebody's friend. When I read this, it really opened up my eyes and I changed my approach to witnessing. Become someone's friend



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