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Why Was World War I a Total War for Britain?

Essay by   •  February 15, 2011  •  Research Paper  •  2,452 Words (10 Pages)  •  1,607 Views

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Why was World War I a total war for Britain?

Before we can discuss about the topic "Was the First World War a Ð''total war'

for Britain?" First thing we have to define is," what is a total war?" According to,, a total war is " a 20th century term to describe

a war in which countries or nations uses all of their resources to destroy another

organized country's or nation's ability to engage in war" The treaty of London in

1839 was the key which led Britain into her first total war, WWI. There are many reasons why WWI was a total war for Britain. However, these are some main aspects to answer the question," why?"; 1The changed of the whole economic policy to focus on war gears and supplies , the used of the conscripted civilians and volunteeraly civilians to fight, work,or support the war effort, women was included. And the used of Propaganda was also one of the main factors which played a big role to increase country's production and citizens' morale in order to alter their idea to support the government engaging in the war.

Firstly, Due to the war, Britain had to make a sunnden change in their economic policy to suit their potential needs, in another word was to concentrate on war gears, supply in order to survive through out the crisis. 2 Right before the First World War started no one in Britain would not have thought that they had to face , to put it as simple as the phrase, a total war economic system. It was likely to be as followed; when a government tried to increase their weapons and supplies production to the requirement of the whole military units and citizens by gathering income from all sources to its expenses. 3Here are some examples of what had been changed during the time. A Primary objective was that the government must take control most of public industries, e.g., ammunition production, railways, ship dock work, and even mining. Why? These would aid the government of keeping in touch with events and situations which was going on in the country and easier way to control the nation's economy because it was a direct method, GOVT to Industries. 4Next, in 1914 the same year that the war started, British government had launched the what called," Defence of the Realm Acts." or DORA. The purpose of the act, http://www.spartacus.schoolnet stated the meaning that, " The legislation gave the government executive powers to suppress published criticism, imprison without trial and to commandeer economic resources for the war effort." It was setup to prevent any conflict between the military and public or civilians. However, this was when the government gained control over people life. Surely, some would disagree and caused trouble. This is some example from the DORA, 5set a curfew on pubs, decrease alcohol

level, the summer break was created, newspapers and soldiers' letters was censored. Moreover, the change of taxation. Tax rate was increased to 500% to gain more funds and some money which was raised by taxing would be spent on buying goods and supplies from other countries because Britain did not have enough land to grow crops, even if they have it would not be fast enough to feed the population and soliders. One more reason of why British government increased the tax because they had to deal with a large amount of expenses while the whole country got involved in the great war.

6Another important thing to deal with was oil. Oil was the main vital resource to almost every aspect in war.For example, tanks, factories, vehicles, some power generators, damn, etc. That was why Britain hurried to do an agreement to

middle-eastern company, the Turkish Petroleum located in the area of the Mesopotamia, which is now in the region of Iraq. However, the British was not the only nation but their fierce enemy, Germany, they too. So they tried to use the oil as wise as possible but what seemed to be valued had been draining away by time, the oil was getting fewer. Resulted in British was lack of resources in 1918.

7Next point was the need of soldiers to fight in war, in 1914, and at the time Britain had fewer army men than any other nations. So the British government needed to do something to increase the army's size. However, in the beginning of the war, there were many men and young men willingly to join the her majesty's army with the belief of fighting for their country. Unfortunately, more than a million who joined up had died in the middle of war year.

So why did many of young men joined up to fight in the army? There were several factors for this question. Here are some examples; Patriotism was usually the key to sheer up to spirit of the men. E.g., some of them were very loyal to their own country and king so they enlisted in the force and since they were extremely nationalist they were religious somehow, soldiers believed that God was on their side and would not let victory be with the German. Plus, some said the war would be over by Christmas. In fact, the war haunted them because it was last long and suffering. But war was not all that bad, there laid the reward fro those who survived and returned home as a heroes. Besides patriotism, was the opportunity, which many energetic men and young men could not denied. Moreover, it was a benefit for the working-class men because when you join the army you would receive basic elements of survival, food and wage which not many could have this chance.Further more,

guilt had been a moral problem. Young men were usually proud of themselves so if they were called cowards, it was dishonorable so what did they do? Joined the army of course. Furthermore, the White Feather campaign was an effective method of recruiting men, according to the website, /impactofwar/wwivolunteer.html, said that, "...women presenting men who hadn't joined up with a white feather accusing them of cowardice. Last of all the examples was, the pals' battalion, for example, you and your friend were close friend, pals,

then you both willingly to fight in war according to the encouragement either by

government, parents, or others. As the result came along, in a large scale, many who

came from the same area or zone were all died together which mean the communities

they were from would be empty or abandoned due to lack of people in society.



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