William Shakespeare: Hamlet
Essay by review • February 24, 2011 • Book/Movie Report • 1,746 Words (7 Pages) • 2,043 Views
William Shakespeare: Hamlet
shakespeare is written in Old Englidsh
Most of shakespeares peices of writing are fictional if not, then they are based on an old story shakespeare had adapted, but with many twists and changes
shakespeares works of art are all written in the form of a play as opposed to a novel or short story
in the past the way i have been taught shakespeare was by reading the play as a class, and acting out the play mostly during important scenes
I myself have not yet reached the point of full understanding most or all of shakespeares old english, but can grasp the idea on what is taking place in ever scene (the story line)
In my opinion i think an on going journal would be an ideal way of teaching and understanding shakepseare, in the past i have not taken the approach to make an on going journal for any other of shakespeares plays
In the past the advantage of acting out shakespeares plays is you can in ways see the characters reactions and mood in each scene
based on my previous encounters with shakespeares plays such as Merchant of Venice, Macbeth, and Julius Ceaser, I feel in Hamlet I will be able to grap the main ideas and story line which will take place
Act One:
This act introduced some of the main characters in the play. It has introduced me to the problem gained and some details and hints of the future play and many different things to expect. The problem gained in thie scene is the ghost which everyone becomes so unsure of its purpose. My predictions would be in act 2, the ghost will reveal himself and its purpose to haunt them. Another problem which arises during this act is the possible war between Denmark and Norway (Hamlet and Fortinbras) over the killing of old fortinbras by the most recent king of Denmark, Hamlet (Old Hamlet). In this event I predict the future of the play will reveil a more depth into the conflict between these two nations and a win or lose situation between them. So far into the play , the way Hamlet is being taught to me is a very easily understood method. I am understanding the story line as well as increasing my grasp for old enlgish and overall am enjoying the method which is being taught.
Act Two:
In this act the problem begins to grow , as does Hamlets way to resolve his problem. Characters such as the King, Queeen, Ophelia, and friends such as rosencratz ang guildenstern begin to notice Hamlet appears to be going mad. Throughout the act, many attempts are made to find the anger behind Hamlet, but as Dramatic Irony takes place and the act progresses what the readers know and the characters do not , is Hamlets true madness comes from his suspicion of his uncle (the present king) being the murdere of his father (the previous king). Throughout the act as the other characters try to discover Hamlets madness , he himself is constructing a plan to determine the truth about his fathers death. In an upcoming play Hamelt decides to add a scene in it of what he believes
the king did to murder Hamlets father. His idea is to let the scene play on and capture the reactions of his uncle, the king. If no reaction he will conclude the death of his father natural, but if he discovers a reaction by his uncle then he will conclude the death of his father, a murder. I predict the outcome of thise even to take place in the near acts (three and four). At this point in the play I am still understanding the story line of the play and what is being said to each other and am finding a better concentration on it compared to the precious ways i have been taught shakespeare.
Act Three:
In This act Shakespeare leads up to the play in which Hamlet will test King Claudius. In this act a play is to be watched by all of the kingdom. Hamlet has asked Horation- his true friend- to spy on the king as well for another witness on his reaction to the scene Hamlet has added to the play. As the play begins Horation spys on the kings reaction from a distance. At this point there is much tension between Ophelia as before the play had started , as instructed by Claudius and Polonius (ophelias father) had broken up with Hamlet. This being true, anger had added to Hamlets mood. At this point the scene takes place Horatio and Hamlet notice actions that show guilt from Claudius, as Hamlets anger rises he pokes fun and shoves this fact in the kings face in an arrogant but unobvious way. Hamlet then concludes the murder of his father. Following this much anger and argument
arise within the kingdom. Hamlets mother has asked to speak with Hamlet as Rosencrantz and Guildenstern reported to Hamlet also angry at the humiliation caused towards the king. While Hamlet reports to the Queen the King in revenge arranges for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to ride England with Hamlet and letters to the king telling him to Kill Hamlet as soon as he arrives. Another problem Occures while Hamlet talks to the Queen. Polonuis hides behind the arras in the same room as the Queen And Hamlet, at anger arises between The Queen And Hamlet, Polonius calls for help, Hamlet hears his voice walks to the arras and stabs through it killing polonius. Following the death Hamlet speaks further with his mother and she beings to understand that Hamlets anger comes from the king and her relationship with him. The Ghost appears once more to Hamlet telling him his visitation has much purpose and to come between her and the king, as Hamelt is the only one to see this ghost his mother suddenly begins to think he is really going mad. At this point in the play I am better understanding everyones reaction and feelings towards the situation of Hamlets madness. Not only have I enjoyed the method of teaching but I have also discovered much more understanding