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Essay by   •  December 18, 2010  •  Research Paper  •  1,548 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,242 Views

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Hi, I will start this journal off with who I am. My name is Aimee, and I am a witch. I know most people do not believe in witches but we are very much part of the world today. We come from the British Isles from long ago. We have been around since the dawn of time. Even in medieval times, we existed. We have been through so much to be where we are today. My ancestors have burned at the stake and have hung for practicing their beliefs. In today's society, many people choose to ignore the fact that we are still around. I believe in practicing white magic, instead of black magic. I work with herbs and believe in healing others from pain, instead of inflicting pain. I know some of my ancestors have practiced black magic and they have made our name bad. My family is of white magic and most of us have been for a while.

My families' ancestors came from the dark of night, while the world slept soundly. The spirit drew and created Our Lady of infinite love. This lady danced in the heavens and creating sparks of light creating the stars and planets. She twirled and created these bodies and these heavenly bodies started dancing with her. She was chanting words of love and joy and she formed the waters on earth and mountains. Trees and flowers were born to the earth, and from the hair of Our Lady of infinite love came beauty. After this, she created her life partner and her companion. Then she created all the animals of the earth and the people of the world. She continued to bless the earth with her showers. As we began to grow, Our Lady of love saw that we needed healers among the people, so she drew forth lots of energy and created Witches. We have the ability to heal, and the art of magic. The woman taught us how to cast a magic circle and how to talk to the spirit. The Lord taught us how to communicate with the nature, Air, Fire, Earth, and Water and how to talk with the animals. At first, we were accepted by the humans, but after time the people began to fear our powers and the Lady and the Lord. Therefore, we became the hidden children, conducting our magic in private. Otherwise, we were sought out and killed for our beliefs. All because of the fear of others. We treat all the humans the same, day in and day out, but they despise us and treat us differently, until they need something from us. Oh yes the humans come to us when they are dying or are in need of a healing and all else has failed. My family and I have to be careful still today that we let know of our powers.

The Salem Witch trials were a big deal in the United States in the 1600's. It was 1692 to be exact. My ancestors were hunted down and killed, by either hanging or being burned. Here is a picture of a few headstones from back then just to remind me about what they went through so I could be here today.

Back in the 1692, things were tense throughout Salem. They were under British rule and they were waiting on a new governor and had no laws in place. By the time they got a new governor, the jails were packed with these so-called witches. They were also under attack by Native Americans and French Canadians. Not that that excuses the way they treated my ancestors. We are not here to hurt people.

Here is an actual picture from the Salem witch trials. How could these people be so cruel as to kill people just a little different from themselves? I keep asking myself that. When I see the wars going on in the world, I think back to these people killing my family off, just for their beliefs. That is like my family going and killing some Catholic people just because we do not believe in what they believe in and we are afraid of them. My family would never think of that.

Most of the world, especially Hollywood, dress actresses up in slinky outfits and have them pose to have magical powers, whereas my family and I are just like you everyday person, other than having powers. We still get sick, go to work, have kids, and hang out with our friends. People are curious about us now and my family does keep silent about the way we live, but we do not worship Satan and all that. Witches like us live everywhere in the world. We do not have a special part of the world, where we choose to live. We do have our own special groups where we get together and worship the earth and the spirits. We tend to stick to people we know and they know about us or they are like us.

Witchcraft is a spiritual system that incorporates the thought and will of the person, encourages the knowledge and understanding of the earth and nature, believing in the divinity of all living things. Witchcraft teaches responsibility. I, as a witch, accept all responsibility of my actions and understand the consequences of my actions, shall I be caught. It is hard being a witch in the world, but it is getting easier, to deal with. People are looking the other way, when it comes to us; they are more worried about races and the difference in the way people act. My family knows about the cycles of nature and the lunar phases, and the seasons to celebrate our spirituality and to worship the divine power. My family uses spells that include the healing of people, making people to love one another, instead of fighting, harmony amongst people, wisdom to people, and creativity. My family and I believe that the spirit of the One, Goddess,



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