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Carrie Leonard

Intro to Sociology

May 8, 2003

Prof Abdy

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The role women play in today's society is a drastic change from the previous role. Women used to be confined to the superiority of the man. Physically, mentally, and emotionally abused, belittled, embarrassed, and silenced. These are just a few examples of the emotion from the isolated treatment of the past. A woman's role in today's society is more valued than ever before.

Women have always been essential to society. Fifty to seventy years ago, a woman was no more than a house wife, caregiver, and at their husbands beck and call. Women had no personal opinion, no voice, and no freedom. They were suppressed by the sociable beliefs of man. A woman's respectable place was always behind the masculine frame of a man. In the past a woman's inferiority was not voluntary but instilled by elder women, and/or force. Many, would like to know why? Why was a woman such a threat to a man? Was it just about man's ability to control, and overpower a woman, or was there a serious threat? Well, everyone has there own opinion about the cause of the past oppression of woman, it is currently still a popular argument today.

Thanks to our strong, motivated, committed, dedicated, and determined women: who fought for the valued rights of woman everywhere. Without all the feminist, and woman activist women would probably still be oppress. Thank you to women like Eleanor Smeal, Bonnie Briggs, Maya Angleou, and Ms. Bensedrine, and Sadie Alexander (founder of DST).

Women today have excelled to unreachable heights. Today women are out in the workforce, the professional world, the military, and there are those that are still at home,

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but by choose. A woman's value has skyrocketed over these past decades. A woman today can do anything a man can and more. The stereotypes and discrimination are still present, of course, that is not going anywhere. But, there is a low tolerance for it. He strength, passion, and dedication of a woman have been uncovered various times.



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