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Write a Good Editorial

Essay by   •  March 22, 2011  •  Essay  •  370 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,073 Views

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How To Write an Editorial

General Tips before writing:

Ð'* Don't always take the easy route: Consider the less popular stand. Remember the axiom which states the role of a newspaper is "to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable." Don't necessarily play Devil's advocate, but don't feel you must represent majority opinion either. Hold your journalistic ideals high when you take your editorial stance.

Ð'* Take a reasonable approach: Since life has few absolutes or superlatives, remember to consider the degree and circumstance of the truth. Generally avoid inclusive words such as "always" or "never." Be specific and accurate with examples.

Ð'* Make sure you refine your thesis: As I've said many times, you can't take on the world (or cover some of your topics in the space allowed). Be specific with your thesis and you will argue more effectively.

Here is a common structure for editorials:

The Lead



Committal statement

Hook the reader with the opening of the editorial. Perhaps an anecdote will do the trick. Or a shocking statement. The narrative works well. Maybe a direct dialogue directed to the reader will be effective. Whatever your approach, remember to be accurate and specific. Once the reader is firmly with you, indicate your topic and commit to your stance.

The Concession

Strongest argument against your thesis




You may wish to disarm the opposition by recognizing their viewpoint has some validity. This is a good move because those who disagree with your stand will be thinking it anyway.

The point is not rebutted; it is conceded.

The question might arise as to which point to use as a concession. Concede only the hardest point to argue against.

The Body

Strong argument for your thesis



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