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Yes on Sex Education

Essay by   •  February 3, 2011  •  Essay  •  657 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,528 Views

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Sex education is being taught to students in middle schools across the country. It educates young teenagers about the responsibilities and sometimes consequences of having sex. Teaching sex education helps students understand that the changes their body is undergoing is normal. Some parents may feel uncomfortable talking with their children on this subject because it's very personal. Also, it gives kids the knowledge of what a Sexually Transmitted Disease is and how to protect themselves from them.

Teaching sex education helps students understand that the changes their body is undergoing is normal. Going through puberty can be a very scary time for a child if he or she has no knowledge of it. Sex education allows children to ask questions without feeling embarrassed. It shows what should and will be happening to their body and that it happens to everyone. As growing up, we tend to question ourselves and it helps them learn that they are not "weird" or alone.

A teen couple decides to have sex. The girl doesn't know what to do so she does what he says. They don't use protection. The guy has had unprotected sex before with a different girl whom had a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD). So he gives the girl the STD and now she will have it for the rest of her life because she didn't know to use protection. Safe sex could have prevented this.

Teaching sex at such a young age makes it seem okay for young people to have sex. They know all about it and what protection to use and they think its safe so why not? Some parents believe that this is not something to be discussed publicly because it is such a personal issue. So if sex education is not taught, then its not going to happen.

When teaching about sex, there is abstinence. Abstinence is always highly encouraged by the teachers and is repeated throughout the syllabus. The teaching of sex education doesn't say its okay but teaches them about what it is and what should be done it you decide to do it. Kids are going to have sex no matter what is said, so the teaching of sex education shows them how to do it safely.

Some parents may feel uncomfortable talking with their children on this subject because it's very personal. They don't know when or how to bring it up to them or they're too embarrassed to even try. Some parents just say "No sex" and that's it. When a child becomes curious, they'll want to experiment. No knowledge is ignorance, full knowledge is wisdom, but partial knowledge is dangerous. So even if a parent talks to



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