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Youth and Technology

Essay by   •  February 17, 2011  •  Essay  •  917 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,391 Views

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Children of today’s society are unbelievably overtaken by marvels of modern technology. More than ever before, technology influences young people, how they communicate, how they learn, and how they spend their time. Ranging from the Internet, the cell phone user, the video gamer, to the Ipod user, the youths of today have one. Children of today’s society have either one or all of these modern toys. Whether it is gaming, surfing the Internet, or talking on the cell phone, the youths today would be lost without having one of these things. These gadgets and toys have a major impact with the youths and help define their identities. I believe that the youths today can be classified as hi-tech. gadget owners and can be categorized into different segments such as Internet users, Cell phone owners, and the video gamers.

The Internet using youths are the ones who can’t live without the use of some sort of connection to the Internet. They live for the computer and spend hour upon hour surfing, chatting, and playing games. Youths are consumed and empowered with such programs as My space, AIM, Club Penguin, Webkins. The programs are endless and can consume hours of enjoyment for these users. The Internet is somewhat like an addiction to this group. My son Corey, who is 13, and my daughter April, who is 10, is prime examples of the Internet using youths. As soon as they get up in the morning they race to the computer. They put everything aside just to see if their friends are online. I basically have to pull them off to get ready for school. Addicted to the Internet? Possibly! April is definitely absorbed with programs such as Webkins, and Club Penguin, where Corey is more into sights such as AIM and Myspace.

I remember when I was young and there wasn’t really any kind of communication between people except for the use of the old-fashioned dial phone. The walkie-talkie was cool and if you were lucky enough you might even have a C.B. As years past phones became wireless and soon to be the cell phone was invented. Today, it is now uncommon for a person to be without a cell phone. I couldn’t believe when my son asked me for a cell phone for his 12’Th birthday. What I didn’t realize was that almost every child in his class already had one.

I would guess that about 90% of young teens all have cell phones. It isn’t only a need for the youth to have a cell phone, but it also makes a statement. It’s like when I was a child, if I didn’t have levies I was considered poor and therefore wasn’t able to be in the “Inn Crowd.” The cell phones to the children are cool, and definitely a major Item to show off to their friends. The cell phones seem to make a statement for the youths. They range in color, size and the ability to perform many tasks other than just



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