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English Essays

7,264 English Free Papers: 5,941 - 5,970

  • The History of Nbc

    The History of Nbc

    The History of NBC News Channel 4 signed on the air as WNBT on July 1,1941, at 1:29 p.m. This historic event was the beginning of commercial television in the United States. At 2:30 p.m. the same day, WNBT again made history when 4,000 television sets were tuned to

    Essay Length: 2,611 Words / 11 Pages
  • The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Douglas Adams About the author: Douglas Adams was born in Cambridge in March 1952, educated at Brentwood School, Essex and St John's College, Cambridge where, in 1974 he gained a BA (and later an MA) in English literature. He was creator of all

    Essay Length: 1,913 Words / 8 Pages
  • The Hobbit

    The Hobbit

    The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien is set in a fantasy world that has differences, as well as similarities, to our own world. The author has created the novel's world, Middle Earth, not only by using imagination, but by also adding details from the modern world. Realistic elements in the book

    Essay Length: 801 Words / 4 Pages
  • The Hobbit

    The Hobbit

    ALCOHOL In the movie on alcohol it further informed me on the dangers of drinking. For example, I was not aware of the effects that alcohol had on the brain. I knew that it slowed reaction time and messed up coordination, but I did not know that it scrambled

    Essay Length: 383 Words / 2 Pages
  • The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

    The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

    The Hobbit By J.R.R. Tolkien, published by Ballantine Books in 1937, 304 pages. The Hobbit is a book that shows that even the most unlikely person, or hobbit can turn out to be a real hero. In the book, Bilbo gets caught up in an adventure that will later change

    Essay Length: 1,145 Words / 5 Pages
  • The Hope of a Dream

    The Hope of a Dream

    The Hope of a Dream The American dream is sometimes thought of to be an idea of something unreachable, or thought of as a tangible reality that everyone can accomplish. This American dream is something that people so often go after and hope to find. To some it is the

    Essay Length: 1,332 Words / 6 Pages
  • The Horrific Past

    The Horrific Past

    Orender 1 Kelsy Orender Amy Pace Composition II 27 November 2017 The Horrific Past “Ring around the rosy, pockets full of poses, ashes, ashes, we all fall down.” Ever wondered about the disease that wiped out nearly all of Europe, Asia and Africa? These countries merely became extinct after a

    Essay Length: 2,157 Words / 9 Pages
  • The Horrors of War: A Comparison

    The Horrors of War: A Comparison

    "Only dead have seen the end of war" -Plato The world has turned a blind eye to the wars that are occurring at this very moment, while subconsciously knowing how vile and pestilent these wars are. Millions die, millions more are injured, and survivors are left with crippling memories that

    Essay Length: 3,140 Words / 13 Pages
  • The Horse Dealer's Daughter

    The Horse Dealer's Daughter

    Title: "The Horse Dealer's Daughter" By: D. H. Lawrence Characters: Joe: He is the oldest brother. He is broad and handsome in a hot, flushed way. He had a black moustache and a red face. He had a sensual way of uncovering his teeth when he laughed. He felt he

    Essay Length: 984 Words / 4 Pages
  • The Horse Dealer's Daughter by D. H. Lawrence

    The Horse Dealer's Daughter by D. H. Lawrence

    The short story, "The Horse Dealer's Daughter," by D. H. Lawrence is about Mabel Pervin and her three brothers who are left with debts to pay after their father's death. Once the horses are sold Mabel's brothers decide where their lives would lead them and advice her to seek the

    Essay Length: 381 Words / 2 Pages
  • The Horses by Edwin Muir

    The Horses by Edwin Muir

    "The Horses" is a poem by Edwin Muir. It tells the story of a world ravaged by nuclear war, where the few survivors live hopelessly in a desolate reality. Their outlook is changed by the arrival of the horses, a relic of the past which lets them rediscover humanity's

    Essay Length: 670 Words / 3 Pages
  • The House Has Fallen

    The House Has Fallen

    The House Has Fallen "The Fall of the House of Usher" is a short story written by Edgar Allan Poe. This story contains an immense amount of symbolism in it. "The Fall of the House of Usher" is mainly about a man who is summoned to his friend's side for

    Essay Length: 967 Words / 4 Pages
  • The House of Mirth and Daisy Miller

    The House of Mirth and Daisy Miller

    Edith Wharton's "The House of Mirth" mainly describes the need of a woman to be married to a wealthy man and how she attempts to find the most appropriate suitor. "The House of Mirth" also observes the tedious physical and mental decline of a young woman who, because of her

    Essay Length: 769 Words / 4 Pages
  • The House of Seven Gables Analysis

    The House of Seven Gables Analysis

    "The love of money is the root of all evil." This basic proverb it the foundation that Nathaniel Hawthorne builds upon in The House of Seven Gables. Like all of hawthorns works he exploits the evils of the puritan heart in is 1851 Romantic Fantasy. Hawthorne tells the story of

    Essay Length: 2,325 Words / 10 Pages
  • The House of the Seven Gables - Hawthornes Personal Reflections

    The House of the Seven Gables - Hawthornes Personal Reflections

    Nathanial Hawthorne. Considered to be one of the greatest American writers of the 19th century. But did you know that he hated portraits, and it is now thought that he was a mild manic-depressive? Born in Salem, Massachusetts on July 4, 1804. A descendant of a long puritan line

    Essay Length: 853 Words / 4 Pages
  • The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende

    The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende

    House of Spirits My Analysis of a Yearning Man When watching a movie one feels as if they were a fly on the wall throughout one characters life, but in the movie "House of Spirits", there is more that one wall to stay on. First there is a character, Clara,

    Essay Length: 367 Words / 2 Pages
  • The House on Mang Street

    The House on Mang Street

    Esperanza father is a big influence on her life. Esperanza father had to come to American and find work so that he could take care of his family. In the chapter "Papa Who Wakes up Tired in the Dark", Esperanza father gets a phone call and he is told that

    Essay Length: 724 Words / 3 Pages
  • The House on Mango Street

    The House on Mango Street

    Long has the image of the traditional American family been stamped into our minds. The image of a perfect family has been a staple for popular television shows and commercials hawking everything from luncheon meat to microwaveable TV dinners. It is a far reaching concept known by almost anyone living

    Essay Length: 1,296 Words / 6 Pages
  • The Human Mind

    The Human Mind

    May 2004 (published online Nov 2006) When people care enough about something to do it well, those who do it best tend to be far better than everyone else. There's a huge gap between Leonardo and second-rate contemporaries like Borgognone. You see the same gap between Raymond Chandler and

    Essay Length: 1,202 Words / 5 Pages
  • The Human Within Grendel

    The Human Within Grendel

    The Human within Grendel Over the past few chapter of John Gardner’s Grendel,we have seen some quite interesting characteristics from Grendel. Though it is not incredibly shocking that a monster like Grendel is able understand human feelings and emotions, it is nice to know that he is not a savage

    Essay Length: 296 Words / 2 Pages
  • The Hundred Secret Senses and the Joy Luck Club

    The Hundred Secret Senses and the Joy Luck Club

    The Hundred Secret Senses and The Joy Luck Club Amy Tan A major part of the novel of Amy Tan's novels has been devoted to the reflection of the role of ethnicity in the life and choices of the narrator. Tan tries to force her characters to face the question

    Essay Length: 3,760 Words / 16 Pages
  • The Hunger Artist and His Audience

    The Hunger Artist and His Audience

    The Artist and His Audience In order to begin to understand Franz Kafka's metaphorical and ambiguous short story "A Hunger Artist", most readers will more than likely have to read it more than once. Although the successions of events that make up the story are quite uncomplicated and obvious, the

    Essay Length: 2,072 Words / 9 Pages
  • The Hunt of a Lifetime

    The Hunt of a Lifetime

    The Hunt of a Lifetime It was the day after Christmas and I was practicing with the goose call I'd opened the morning before. The phone rang and I yelled, "I got it," to my mom as I ran to pick it up. "Hello;" I answered secretly wishing that it

    Essay Length: 1,543 Words / 7 Pages
  • The Hunters in the Snow

    The Hunters in the Snow

    Pecking Order The story "The Hunters in the Snow" is a story of an unhealthy, uncaring relationship among three men. There is a pecking order to the relationship. Tub, who is greatly abused in the story, is at the bottom of the hierarchy. Kenny and Frank both compete for the

    Essay Length: 788 Words / 4 Pages
  • The Husband

    The Husband

    The alarm clock goes off. It is 6:30 am. That is way too early to be getting up. He walks downstairs to start the coffee. He gets in the shower. Then it is my turn. After the shower we are both getting ready for work. I look up and see

    Essay Length: 339 Words / 2 Pages
  • The Ideal of the Self

    The Ideal of the Self

    The Idealism of the Self More important than where one is from and where one is going is who one is. Nothing can be known or experienced beyond the self. Why then do men constantly seek outward to find his meaning? Why must he believe what the world claims

    Essay Length: 3,140 Words / 13 Pages
  • The Ideal Society - Reason Vs. Emotions

    The Ideal Society - Reason Vs. Emotions

    The Ideal Society - Reason vs. Emotions An ideal society is one in which people act together as one for the greater good of the society, rather than the individual. The question is: are people to look to their emotional or rational side in determining what to act upon?

    Essay Length: 381 Words / 2 Pages
  • The Iliad

    The Iliad

    The Iliad Outline &explain the qualities of a "Homeric Hero". Who best fits the bill? Why? The Homeric hero strives to be the best among his peers. His goal is to achieve the greatest glory in order to earn the highest honor from his peers, his commander, and finally from

    Essay Length: 1,498 Words / 6 Pages
  • The Iliad

    The Iliad

    In the excerpts we read from The Iliad, the characters continuously performed tasks that were considered to be courageous for the sake of honor. With the motive of the task being courage, the tasks were automatically regarded as noble, but there are underlining suggestions that the majority of the "honorable"

    Essay Length: 561 Words / 3 Pages
  • The Illiad in Dante's Inferno

    The Illiad in Dante's Inferno

    The Iliad in Dante's Inferno Dante makes many references to Homer and the Iliad throughout the Inferno. The fates of favorite characters are described during the course of Dante's travels. Beginning with his vision of Homer in Limbo, continuing through increasingly gory levels of Hell until Dante reaches the

    Essay Length: 435 Words / 2 Pages
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