Adam Murphy Period 26/13/12 Anne and Elie Essay
Essay by Brandon Hutchins • December 10, 2017 • Course Note • 434 Words (2 Pages) • 1,079 Views
Adam Murphy Period 26/13/12 Anne and Elie Essay
Anne Frank Compared to Elie WieselBy: Adam MurphyAnne Frank and Elie Wiesel were very different and alike in many ways in their lives.There are many obvious differences between Anne and Elie such as Anne dying in the Holocaustand Elie living. However there are also many main reasons that compare and contrast them.Anne viewed her family in a way as if no one could understand her except for her father. WhileElie was attached to his father he liked the rest of his family but they were killed right out of thegates in the camp and he lost them immediately. Anne was only close to her father and tried tostay away from telling the rest of her family anything. Elie grew close to his father because hewas with him the entire time. Whereas Anne had other family in the Annex but chose to be closewith her father. Elie also loved his mother and sister. Anne however loved her father and didn'treally like the rest of her family. So they both had same relations with their family but for manydifferent reasons.Anne Frank and Elie Wiesel also had many same and different views on religion. Theywere both Jewish but Elie was a lot more involved with his religion and its various texts. Annefelt she wasn't a good Jew because she wasn't very involved in her religion and didn't care muchfor it. Elie thought his religion was everything. Anne and Elie's ideas of religion drew close as"Night" neared its end. Elie started to doubt his religion and stopped fasting on the holy days likeAnne. However as Night came even closer to its end Elie doubted his religion and godcompletely. Anne still believed in her religion. So Elie went from one extreme to the other one.Anne however remained at the same belief. So they were different and alike for a while.Anne and Elie both had some similar views on Nazis. They both hated them and wantedto stay away and not provoke them. However Elie got a closer look at Nazis and knew more. Elieknew what they did and how they went about things like selection and beatings. So he hatedthem more. Anne lived in fear because of what she heard they were doing and what they woulddo to them. Elie was not afraid of them he only tried to get by with his hatred of them which heexpresses in the book. Anne could not believe what the Nazis were doing as she repeatedly askedhow anyone could do that to people. So they were