Apple Case
Essay by ea069301 • January 19, 2015 • Essay • 657 Words (3 Pages) • 1,200 Views
Apple creates values in their products by marketing to everyone in sight and is able to keep their products very accessible and extraordinary. A little history about Apple; back in 1997 they were selling their stock as low as $13 per share. Everyone thought that they were not going to be successful due to going through two CEO's in a very short time in 1997 and having their shares really low. But who knew that once Steve Job's had released the first Imac computers, it would change the world as well as the technology in the upcoming future. They didn't realize what it would do to the new century. Apple is all about developing products for emerging markets and with that they are one of the most successful companies today.
Their business structure that they are using today is very positive and is able to sustain competitive business because they are one of the most favorable and desired items in the market. One of the main ways to measure the strategic effectiveness is to be able to state that today they hold one of the world's most valuable companies due to them surpassing $500 per share for the first time ever. Even though we all know that once an item/items gets to be accessible throughout the world, people want to see different things or new ideas and that's where they can make more products, but overall Apple will not get extinct anytime soon.
Another great company that I have always liked to use is Netflix, live streaming onto your television, Iphone, Ipad and computer. This product was created in 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph. They original started by mailing out DVD's it was a rental service and after that they decided to go live streaming to the subscribers so they can watch their favorite shows immediately instead of waiting for a DVD to arrive by mail. It was more accessible this way for the viewers as well and made more people signup. This product became very successful until the CEO's had threatened the viewers that they were going to split up the company into two (the DVD rental and a second company for the online streaming) they also announced that the prices were going to increase tremendously and with that announcement they lost a lot of viewers. The Price per share fell from $298to $52.81 a share. They knew that they had to apologize and they did and as of today their shares went up to $318.83. They are also one of the most successful online streaming companies.