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Biblical Perspective

Essay by   •  December 28, 2010  •  Essay  •  1,466 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,744 Views

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“Abraham’s Obedience to God”

The life and history of Abraham, a man who is faithful and obedient to God, demonstrates how to live a purposed filled life with paths that are totally directed by the Messiah. After that, I sensitize this hypothesis that life is void until the will and purpose for being is fulfilled by acknowledging God and allowing him to direct life’s path.

In earlier times, Abram and Sarai were without any children. The couple was in their late eighty’s and all hope of Sarai baring a child was gone. Sarai’s lack of faith and desperate desire to have a child resulted in her giving their slave-girl Hagar, unto her husband to bare a child, whom was named, Ishmael. Ten years after the birth of Ishmael, the LORD appeared to Abram with a plan and purpose that was far greater and more miraculous than ever expected. The LORD made a covenant with Abram that would change his life forever. When God steps into your life, he becomes your potter. He shapes and molds you into the vessel that he needs you to be in order to fulfill his WILL. Abram was shaped by the changing of his identity. God gave Abram instructions to change his name to Abraham and for Sarai’s to change her name to Sarah. God chose Abraham to ancestor a multitude of nations. This everlasting covenant with Abraham covered his offspring, and their generations. In addition, Abraham and his generations would populate the land of Canaan. God also told Abraham he would bless Ishmael with a great nation. Abraham was told to circumcise every male at eight days old. He was to circumcise Ishmael and any males bought with his money from any foreigners who were not his offspring. The circumcision would signify the covenant between Abraham and God. Abraham did not hesitate carrying out God’s orders. To receive the blessings God have for us, we must be obedient and we must carry out his orders exactly as instructed. When God has a plan and gives us an order, we must act on it immediately. Blessings may not always come when expected. God has set aside a season or time for which our plan will be implemented. For example, the LORD told Abraham that Sarah would bare and nurse her first son at the age of ninety, and whose name will be Isaac, a year from the time of their conversation. Sarah laugh’s in disbelief due to her infertility. She is quickly reminded who is in charge of her life. The LORD said to Abraham, "Why did Sarah laugh and say, 'Will I really have a child, now that I am old?' Is anything too hard for the LORD? I will return to you at the appointed time next year and Sarah will have a son" (Genesis 18:13-14, King James Version). The next year, the WILL of God came to pass and Isaac was born.

Abraham’s faith and obedience was tested in many ways. Once Isaac was born, Sarah became jealous of Hagar and asked that Abraham cast out Hagar and Ishmael. After confirmation, from prayer, Hagar and Ishmael are cast out into the wilderness. Everything is done for a reason. Ishmael was also covered by the covenant made between God and Abraham. Even in the wilderness God blessed and provided for Hagar and Ishmael. It came to pass that God made a great nation of Ishmael. It was Abraham�s obedience that allowed God’s plan to flow accordingly. The LORD also tested Abraham’s faith as he asked to sacrifice his only son. Obediently, as Abraham begins to sacrifice his son, the LORD intervenes and Isaac’s life is spared. Before Abraham could move to the next spiritual level, he had to prove himself to God. For every test passed, Abraham was spiritually elevated. As a result of Abraham’s faithfulness and obedience, he is the ancestor of many nations. Abraham filled the purpose intended for his life by allowing God to lead his path. The life and testimony of Abraham is still valid in these current times and sets the example of how God uses us to serve a purpose here on Earth.

A purpose filled life begins with first stepping out on faith and pursuing goals. If you, “Commit to the LORD whatever you do and your plans will succeed” (Proverbs 16:3). As the long journey begins, God places people and situations in your life that help to direct your paths. The LORD reminds us in Proverbs 4:11, “I will guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths,’ says the LORD. Similar to the testimony of Abraham, finding a purpose in life comes early for some people and later for others. For example, it was not until lately that I discovered the purpose God planned for me. I’ve always had a desire and the ability to obtain a degree, but I had no vision. Without vision, it was difficult for me to find an area of study that would match my natural talent and one that would interest me. It was not until I turned to a higher source that I realized my purpose in life was to help others. My soul was refreshed by Jeremiah 29:11, the LORD declares, “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper



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