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Biblical Perspectives

Essay by   •  December 31, 2010  •  Research Paper  •  4,076 Words (17 Pages)  •  1,910 Views

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I believe that God created man, the universe, and everything in it. All things were created by natural process, by God’s own hands. God created everything in six days, and on the seventh day he rested. He blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, it is known as the Sabbath, the day of rest. The story of creation can be found in Genesis, the first book of the Bible. It describes the creation of the heavens, earth and man. When God created man from sand, he gently blew breathe into his nostrils and gave him life, He named him Adam. God realized that Adam needed a mate, so He took a rib from Adam and created a woman for Adam, her name was Eve. God blessed Adam and Eve and they lived in a place called the Garden of Eden. In the Garden they had everything they needed to live a very comfortable, and happy life. God gave Adam dominion over everything on the earth, Adam was even given him the privilege of naming all the animals. The only stipulation to living in the garden, they were not allowed to eat from the tree of knowledge. God told them that if they ate from this tree that they would surely die. In the days to come Eve was tempted by a serpent, coaxing and tricking her to eat an apple from the tree of knowledge. The serpent told Eve that she would not die from eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge; that God had told them that because He did not want them to become as wise and great as He was. But in reality, God did not want them to eat the fruit, because it would result in death of their spiritual not a physical death. So Eve did eat the fruit and told Adam to also eat it, one bite of the apple had made them realize they were naked and they were ashamed. God knew that day as He walked in the garden something had changed. Adam and Eve were hiding and had made clothing of fig leaves to cover their nakedness; God offered to cover them with skin from an animal. He was so angry, God threw them out of the garden forever. He also cursed the ground, so Adam and Eve had to work at growing what they needed for nourishment. He also cursed the Eve by making her have extremely painful labor during childbirth; also God decided to make Adam ruler over his wife. This sin is referred to as the �fall’ of human kind, which occurred from the original sin which has affected all of us. God has not been satisfied with any human being since that time, but it is our nature to sin. Perfection is spoiled forever by Adam and Eve not doing what God asked them to do. God created man to love Him, honor, obey and appreciate Him and to also be a companion with Him in all of His glory. God gave us the privilege of having a free will, He wants us to love Him because we want to love Him. We are all created in God’s image, so we can learn a lot about Him by studying what He created.

God shows two devine characteristics in the first chapters of the Bible. It shows that God is the source of both light and love. In John 1:5 is a message announcing that God is light and in Him is no darkness. The perfection of God’s creation is seen in the expression: “God saw that it was very good” Genesis 12.

Many thousands of years had passed on the earth since the creation of man, and the world wasn’t as God intended it to be. In the early part of Genesis, it shows God intervening with the problems arising with His new creation. The world had developed into a violent and evil place, and it made God very angry. God decided He was going to flood the earth and kill everything that was on it. God asked Noah to build an ark that would be large enough to hold a pair of every animal on the earth. Noah was very obedient to God, it was built to God’s instructions, and Noah and his family boarded the ark. It rained for forty days and forty nights, destroying everything. God was going to give the earth a second chance, Noah and his family were the future of this world. God had made a promise that he would never destroy the earth again; this is the first covenant with God and his people, the symbol for this covenant is a rainbow. God blessed Noah and his family.

There is still to this day many questions pertaining to creation, it is and always will be the biggest mystery. The Bible has been used by many to develop scientific theories and studied by many scholars in hopes of finding answers to many questions. God gave us a really great thinking mechanism, but we could never comprehend how great and powerful our God is. Just to think of the enormity and vastness of creation and the power it took to create everything in six days, it is amazing.


Christian faith isn’t a set of rules, but a personal, intimate daily walk with the Living God. It is hard to comprehend how much God loves us, and no matter what we do, He forgives us. Faith goes hand in hand with salvation. You must have total faith that God gave us his only Son to pay for our sins. The term salvation refers to deliverance from damnation from the fires of hell. Salvation is the relationship between God and the saved man. Salvation is the deliverance from evil and can be achieved through faith, repentance and atonement. Salvation is the only way to enter Heaven. The atonement is a doctrine in Christianity, describing how sin can be forgiven by God. Atonement is the process of forgiving or the pardoning of a sin, or a transgression. You must believe that God sent His only Son to die on the cross for our sins, resurrected, and is now in Heaven and our Lord and Savior. In Matthew 6: 25-33, Matthew is telling us not to worry about our life, or our body, and that by having faith God will provide for you. He will always give you what you need, as long as you seek His kingdom and His righteousness. In Romans 3:22, the righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ and to all who believe. The ten commandments were set down by God and by following these laws you can to start a closer relationship with Him, beginning to walk on the right path towards God. By the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). By obeying these forms of teachings in which you are entrusted, you can be set free from sin and become slaves to righteousness. Now that you have been set free from sin, and have become slaves to God , this results in eternal life. The wages of sin is death, but God has given us a chance of eternal life through His Son Jesus, our Lord and savior (Romans). Salvation is the truth and the life and love understood will demonstrates as supreme overall; with sin, sickness and death destroyed. Salvation is by grace alone, faith alone, and Christ alone. For the forgiveness of sins you must believe, repent, confess



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