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Essay by   •  November 21, 2010  •  Essay  •  400 Words (2 Pages)  •  897 Views

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Christianity is a diverse religion with an emphasis on teacher-student, parent- children relationship. The New Testament is composed of many books, a few short and others extensive. In the book of Mark some of the key elements were the beatitudes which stated that those who are meek, merciful, hunger for righteousness, and pure in heart are blessed. Christians shouldn't murder, commit adultery, divorce or hate their enemies. In the book of Luke uplifts the poor and women. Includes the same beatitudes and includes parables such as the lost sheep which explains how Heaven will rejoice over one sinner's repentance compared to ninety- nine that don't need to. The book of Acts deals with spreading the gospel and the rise of the church. The book of John is filled of miracles and spreading the gospel and characterizing Jesus as the "living water." In the book of Romans Jesus is preaching and performing miracles and the way to salvation is through faith.

In the 21st century Christianity is involved in some aspect. A circuit federal court decreed that the pledge of allegiance should be taken out of the schools because it involved the words "under God," which opposes the rights of citizens of different religions under the constitution. Some of the commandments are infiltrated into the law such as Thou shall not kill, steal, or bear false witness against thy neighbor. All of these commandments are subjected to the law and you will be punished for committing them.

I agree with the teachings of Christianity and believe that adhering to the teachings will make you a better person and lead you to Heaven. I think some of the central themes of Christianity enhance an individual's persona such as practicing abstinence until marriage, declining to use profane language, to love all and to forgive, and etc. I could see conflicts rising up within all culture because like many other religions, Christianity sees itself as the ultimate one. People may believe it preposterous that Jesus raised form the dead and all the miracles he performed including healing a cripple and curing someone of leprosy and the stories of the bread and fish. Many followers of all religions push to see people follow their faith, because they believe it is the true one, but I think we need to approach in a gentle manner because nothing is done through violence.



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