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Conflict Types and Resolution Strategies of Bpe-Spe Students in Sports

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Conflict Types and Resolution Strategies of BPE-SPE Students in Sports

Elen Grace S. Reusora


The purpose of this study was to determine the levels and significant relationship of conflict types and resolution strategies of BPE-SPE students in sports. The gathered data are from the BPE-SPE students as the respondents from Bukidnon State University, Malaybalay City Bukidnon on July 12, 2018. This study used descriptive correlational design and data were gathered through checklist questionnaire. In the analysis of data, descriptive statistics and correlation were used. Consequently, the results indicate the levels of conflict types and resolution strategies: (1) students sometimes encountered values, tangible, interpersonal and perception conflicts during the course which made these following conflicts at a moderately high extent level and frequently encountered boundary conflict at a high extent level (2) compromising, smoothing and withdrawing strategies were always used by the students at a very high extent level, confronting strategy was used from time to time which made these strategy at a high extent level and lastly they sometimes used forcing in solving conflicts at a moderately high extent level(3) all the resolution strategies has nothing to do with values conflict and tangible conflict can be minimized and solved through forcing, confronting and compromising , interpersonal conflict can be solved through forcing and smoothing, boundary conflict can be resolved through forcing and confronting strategy and lastly, perception conflict can be solved through forcing. The overall results are true to the students and that they deal with conflicts in a different manner to each type of conflict. These were mainly the reasons why they have surpassed and finished the course that involves a lot of individuals where conflict inevitably exists.

Keywords: Conflict Types, Resolution Strategies, BPE-SPE Students, Bukidnon                         State University


        In a world of complex social interaction such as team and social arrangements, conflict is a normal part and there are many issues that could cause conflicts to arise within organizations. Conflict can occur between coaches, players, and even parents. Many people try to avoid conflict at all costs. Others tend to blame someone or something else for causing it. These responses do not resolve conflict and might only make the situation worse. If not resolved, conflict can be highly destructive. However, committees can take steps to minimize potential situations of conflict before they arise or resolve conflict constructively.

Conflict resolution strategy is a distinguished concept that requires systematic approach in solving conflicts in the team. This may also happen in every phases of situation in which the team is undergoing. With this mind, a leader must have various strategies in order to cope with the problems within the group.

As emphasized by Ohlendorf (2001), conflict in is inevitable. The potential for conflict in information systems development projects is usually high because it involves individuals from different backgrounds and orientations working together to complete a complex task. The cause of conflict in team projects can be related to differences in values, attitudes, needs, expectations, perceptions, resources, and personalities. Proper skills in dealing with conflict can assist coordinators and other organization members in handling it effectively to be resolved. As a result, conflict can also lead to a more productive organization functions as a whole.  

In relation to dealing conflicts in sports, teachers impart conflict resolution strategies in a different manner, in a way that they will not instill it directly to students as one of the lessons they have to tackle, but hidden and embedded through activities that were given to the students. This will help students to have gradual ideas and development from minor activities until they get used to dealing with the major ones. Moreover, conflict resolution strategy is one of the most important skills in handling with team sports. The Bachelor of Physical Education- School Physical Education students in Bukidnon State University indeed have this course as part of their curriculum that would help them improve their skills in leading members to achieve a common goal and that is to win against their opponent in the literal way. However, they must also signify the value of the course that will help them throughout their lives. By this study, clientele in the next generation will be able to know on what are the efficient conflict resolution strategy and what they can improve or retain pertaining to handling people.

 Of equal importance, sports specifically team sports are games such as football and basketball and other competitive activities which need physical effort and skill. Sports are also a kind of organizational area where players have to communicate and cooperate in order to have a satisfying output and solve conflicts as a team.

With this purpose, this study only presents the conflicts experienced by the students and the types of resolution strategies they applied during the time they took courses related to team sports. In addition, the author also presented the significant relationship of the two major variables on the latter part as the end product of the study.

Nevertheless, different tasks were handled and done by many students who undergone team sports as one of their subjects and these students who were playing team sports indeed observed and manage their time and even students in the current time. As a consequence, the author aims to determine the levels of the different conflict types, the levels of the different resolution strategies and to determine if there is a significant relationship between the conflict types and the resolution strategies of the students. BPE-SPE students are the center of this study since these students are particular in this kind of physical activities. Besides, this study will greatly help those students who will take up the course on the future time. They will be able to have a comprehensive guide on what to do and implement upon the members if they will be the leaders soon. This study may not only help the following students but also to other people whose works and jobs are related to the course and hooks conflict resolution strategies matter as well. They will have an initial idea how these students conquered their tasks in spite of all the conflicts they have encountered. Similarly, this will also inspire other people and make them appreciate these students knowing and learning the things they take and undergo under this course.



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