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Davinci Code Summery

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Because this novel is a mystery, much of the plot is revealed in flashbacks and may be confusing. This synopsis will recount the major plot events chronologically.

Five months before the novel begins, Bishop Aringarosa is called to the Vatican and told that the Pope no longer wants the Catholic Church to be associated with Opus Dei (Opus Dei (Latin:"The Work of God") is a controversial Catholic organization founded to foster Christian principles and promote the church). The Church has decided to give Opus Dei twenty-million euro, which the Church had earlier borrowed from Opus Dei. A few weeks later, Aringarosa receives a call from Lee Teabing, who disguises himself as a devout Frenchman and calls himself "the Teacher." Teabing tells Aringarosa that he knows how to find the Holy Grail. (The Holy Grail - of legend and literature, it is commonly thought to be the cup or chalice used by Christ at the Last Supper. It is said to possess miraculous powers.)

For twenty-million euro--money that Teabing does not need, but uses as a cover--Teabing will share the Grail with Aringarosa who can use it to bargain with the Church. In the meantime Teabing has bugged the homes and offices of prominent Parisians whom he suspects are at the top of the Priory of Sion. When Teabing has enough information he tells Silas, the albino monk, to kill the Grand Master and his sйnйchaux. Silas must first demand to know where the keystone is. When he kills the men, they each give him the same incorrect answer.

Meanwhile, Harvard professor, Robert Langdon is in Paris to give a speech about his research. He is woken in the middle of the night by Lieutenant Collet because the Paris police need his help solving the murder of Jacques Sauniиre. The police captain, Bezu Fache, is actually bringing Langdon to the scene because he thinks Langdon was responsible for the murder. Before he died, Sauniиre left a riddle on the floor next to his body that included Langdon's name. At the scene of the crime Langdon meets Sophie Neveu, Sauniиre's granddaughter--although the police only know that she works for the department of cryptology. Sophie knows Langdon is being wrongly accused and helps him escape, but not before they discover more clues left by her grandfather.

Langdon and Sophie follow Sauniиre's clues to a Swiss Bank where they uncover a cryptex. Without knowing that Teabing is the mastermind behind the murders that occurred that evening, Langdon takes Sophie to his home. Teabing is a religious historian and life-long Grail seeker as well as Langdon's friend. Both Silas and the police end up at Teabing's estate, but Rйmy, Teabing's manservant who is in on the plot, helps them escape. Teabing, Sophie, Langdon, Rйmy and Silas (as a prisoner) travel to London.

On the way, they are able to open the cryptex, finding only another cryptex inside. Teabing purposely misreads the next clue, leading them to the wrong place. At the Temple Church, Rйmy and Silas steal the cryptex and pretend to kidnap Teabing. Teabing is angry with Rйmy because he was not supposed to show his face. Teabing murders Rйmy by taking advantage of his peanut allergy. Teabing sends Silas to the Opus Dei house, where he is later involved in a shootout with the police and dies. During the shootout Silas accidentally kills Aringarosa, who came to help him.

Sophie and Langdon figure out the real location described in the clue and go to Westminster Abbey where Teabing lures them into a secluded room. Here, Langdon retrieves the cryptex and is able to guess the password. The police, who have figured out Teabing is the murdered, arrive. Langdon and Sophie go to Scotland, where they believe the Grail is. Instead, they find Sophie's grandmother and brother, whom Sophie believed were dead. Langdon and Sophie agree to meet the next month in Italy after sharing a kiss.

Two days later, back in Paris, Langdon figures out the location of the Grail. The Grail is buried under the inverted pyramid at the Louvre.


Major Theme

"Mystery and Wonderment That Serve Our Souls"

The major theme of this novel is expressed in a quotation by Marie Chauvel in the resolution. In this novel people believe in things, or are inspired by things, which cannot be proven true. Langdon remembers this when he looks at his Mickey Mouse watch. Similarly, people must rely on their faith in religion or faith that the Grail exists. The mystery and wonderment produced by these facets of their lives are more important than the real facts.

Minor Themes

The Sacred Feminine

On one level, the main characters in this novel are discussing and searching for symbolic representations of the sacred feminine. However, on another, more subtle, level Brown portrays women's power. Through Sophie Neveu, Brown illustrates an intelligent and capable woman. Moreover, Sophie frequently makes decisions based on a sixth sense not bestowed upon the male characters which Brown calls women's intuition. Sophie's feminine power is reinforced by the many stories told of ancient reverence for women as life-givers as well as the prominent status of Mary Magdalene.


While this novel promotes faith, it also cautions against pursuing one's beliefs to the point of fanaticism. Brown offers two examples of characters that become fanatics: Silas and Teabing. Silas is a religious fanatic. He allows his desire to please God and act on behalf of the Church to cloud his judgment. Silas is willing to murder as long as he believes he is supporting the Church.

Similarly, Lee Teabing believes so strongly in finding and revealing the Sangreal documents that he is willing to murder for his cause. While each of these men fanatically supports diametrically opposed agendas, they both come to believe that the ends justify the means. Brown seems to admonish this behavior because neither fanatical character is successful.


The mood is suspenseful. Brown creates a feeling of suspense in this novel in three ways: he keeps the chapters short; he sacrifices detail for action; he switches back and forth between various sub-plots. The plot itself is suspenseful because information is often revealed in flash-back or deliberately withheld in an effort to surprise the reader.


Dan Brown was born on June 22, 1964 in Exeter, New Hampshire where he attended the prestigious



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