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Fall of Humanity: Then and Now Worksheet

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Fall of Humanity: Then and Now Worksheet

Name: Bailey Bogle

Course: CWV-101

Date: 9/24/17

Instructor:  Andre Mooney


Read the assigned readings in Topic 3 (textbook Chapter 4, Lecture 3, "The Mystery of Original Sin" article, and Bible passages) and address the following questions with a total word count (including all questions and answers combined) of 500-900 words.

Cite all of the resources used with in-text citations, using at least two sources from the Topic 3 readings. Include these in the reference list at the end of the assignment.

Write your paragraph response directly below each question:

  1. What is revealed about human nature (from Genesis 1-2)?

In Genesis 1-2, nature and human nature were created to take care and enjoy God’s creations. Genesis 2 is where it talks about the first man that God created. Adam was given the responsibility over God’s creations. He was to name all the animals that was created and to create a woman. Eve was created out of Adman’s rib and become Adams wife. In Genesis 1-2 it focuses on what God had created in seven days and the first man and women. The commands that God gave Adam was to take care of the Garden of Eden (Moses, n.d, NIV). By the end of Genesis 2, we read that the human nature is to obey the Lord and the word he tells us to do.

  1. What are the consequences of the fall for human nature (from Genesis 3)?

In Genesis 3 it exposes the serpent or snake, also known as the devil or Satin. The serpent told Eve to eat the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, but God told Adam and Eve to not eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The way the serpent phrased the question of saying that they would not die from eating from the tree confused Eve. He tempted her to take the fruit from the tree and eat it. After that she made Adam try the fruit too. With them not obeying God’s word Adam and Eve had to leave the Garden of Eden. Eve was punished by having pain and hard childbirth being hard. Adam would have a hard rom with growing crops, work would be tirelessly. The final consequence is that all man shall return to the earth from where he came, all human beings will die (Moses, n.d., NIV).

  1. What is revealed about human purpose from the readings? What does it mean for humans to flourish, in other words to achieve spiritual, emotional, and mental well-being?

God wanting to make a man like him is what was revealed for human’s purpose. God wanted to the man to follow his commands and wanted to make the man identical. The facilities and qualities offered by God that he wanted man to do. In the Bible, it is clear that God wanted to have intelligent agreements for the man to obey him. Humans had started to doubt Gods creations and wanted to test what God has said. Temptation can conceive desire and it can give birth to sin and sin to give birth to death as it says in James 1:4. Adam and Eve knew that something bad would happen if they ate the fruit from the tree. Man was curious and was tempted to eat from the tree causing a sin. Spiritual, emotional and mental wellbeing a man should relinquish the temptation and greed and concern (Shuster, 2013).

  1. How might these questions about human nature, purpose, and flourishing be answered by those holding a pantheistic or atheistic (choose one) worldview?

Everyone has a different worldview on the looks of humans (GCU,2017). Atheist does not look at God as the creator of a man. They do not believe that we were created by a man but we were formed by monkeys. An Atheist might never fully flourish as they do not believe in anything spiritual as everything is done by science and nature.


Consider how the fall and humanity's exposure to good and evil are seen in the way some people treat themselves and others in dehumanizing ways today (examples: abuse, addiction, bullying, domestic violence, eating disorders, human trafficking, pornography, poverty, racism, vandalism, etc.).

Choose one act of dehumanization and write the script for a short TV public service announcement in 350-650 words. Use at least two different sources from the GCU Library cited in the text and listed below in the list of references. Include the following:

  • Highlight how the act of dehumanization is evident in the world today.
  • Provide solid ideas for prevention.
  • Include statistics, causes, and impact on people (victim, perpetrator, others as appropriate).
  • Discuss how a God-centered worldview contributes to a solution.
  • Include notes within the script about the images and video that would be included when shooting the commercial.

From the topic materials, view the two examples of a public service announcement:

  1. Child Internet Safety PSA - Online Predators
  2. Dangers of Sexting: What Teens Need to Know

Write your paper below:

(Show a video of children doing drugs at a party or with their friends and have the victim say, “I only will try it once” showing the world what happens to teens.) “I only will try it once” is something many hear from teens about trying drugs. Teens do not believe that they can get addicted to a drug by just trying it once. Most children do not understand why they are feeling the need to have more weed or more cocaine, but they do know that they feel better when they take in the drugs. Blayze Jeniac was only 15 when he started to use cocaine. One day when looking in the mirror he notices that he looked horrible with dark circles under his eyes and so skinny that he could see his rib cage (Paulos, 2006). Jenica was influenced by his friends that were going out back of the school to do a line of cocaine “I didn't know much about cocaine, and I figured it wasn't such a big deal," Blayze, now 18, says” (Paulos, 2006 para 4). (When talk talking about Blayze story go back to his school and show where he tried cocaine for the first time) Many parents do not understand why teens are trying this and why it is a temptation for them. When looking back in Genesis 3 it talks about the evil serpent that was convincing Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. They were pressured and tempted as the serpent told Adam and Eve that they would not die from eating the fruit. When teens here that they will not die from it; it makes them want to do drugs more. There will always be evil in the world but how do we stop the evil from getting into our teens. (Big bullets of warning signs that pop up on the screen.) The warning signs that your teenager might be using drugs is in the change of behavior when coming to friends and friends that the parents may not approve of. Making up excuses for the out of control behavior like skipping class or not making it to family dinner. Your child may even change in their body shape, health and the way they look (Ali, Mouton, Jabeen, Ofoemezie, Bailey, Shadhid & Zeng, 2011). We need to pray for our teenagers and pray that the evil will stay away. When there is a temptation we need to tell our teenagers about the Lord and how we need to obey his words. We need to say “NO” to drug addiction and temptation.



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