Formulas Risk Management
Essay by Hannah Schwed • December 3, 2015 • Course Note • 620 Words (3 Pages) • 1,018 Views
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Chapter 7: How traders manage their risks
[pic 1]
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[pic 3]
ΔP: Change PF value
ΔS: Change variable value
Δσ: Change in volatility
Δr: Change interest rate
[pic 4]
[pic 5]
Delta-neutral Portfolio
[pic 6]
Chapter 8: Interest rate risk
Parallel yield curve shifts
One interest-dependent instrument
[pic 7]
[pic 8]
ci: cash flow at ti
y: yield
Dollar duration
[pic 9]
Δy: Change yield
Key relationship
[pic 10]
Modified duration
[pic 11]
[pic 12]
m: compounding frequency
[pic 13]
[pic 14]
Dollar duration
[pic 15]
Portfolio interest-dependent instruments
Small parallel shift
[pic 16]
[pic 17]
[pic 18]
Xi: PV ith asset
P: PV all assets
Dollar duration
[pic 19]
[pic 20]
[pic 21]
Nonparallel yield curve shifts
[pic 22]
Chapter 9: VaR
[pic 23]
[pic 24]
Impact of autocorrelation
[pic 25]
VaR conversion
[pic 26]
[pic 27]
Incremental VaR: VaR = ∑iVaR
[pic 28]
xi = invested ith subportfolio
Aggregating VaRs
[pic 29]
[pic 30]
[pic 31]
[pic 32]
Kupiec’s Two-Tailed Test
[pic 33]
[pic 34]
n: Trials
m: # of exceptions
p: prob of exception
Chapter 10: Volatility
Simplified variance
[pic 35]
Power Law
[pic 36]
[pic 37]
K,a: constants
ARCH model
[pic 38]
[pic 39]
a: weight observation i
Volatility weighting schemes
[pic 40]
GARCH (1,1)
[pic 41]
[pic 42]
[pic 43]
VL: Long-run variance rate
: Weight VL[pic 44]
Ljung-Box statistic
[pic 45]
[pic 46]
m: # of observations
ck: autocorrelation for a lag of k
K: # of lags
Volatility forecast GARCH (1,1)
[pic 47]
Volatility term structures
[pic 48]
[pic 49]
V(0): σ2n
Impact of volatility changes
[pic 50]
Chapter 11: Correlations and Copulas
Correlation two variables
[pic 51]
V1: Variable 1
V2: Variable 2
Cov(V1,V2) = E(V1V2)-E(V1)E(V2)
Monitoring correlations between 2 variables:
Xi=(Xi-Xi-1)/Xi-1 Yi=(Yi-Yi-1)/Yi-1
[pic 52]
[pic 53]
[pic 54]
[pic 55]
[pic 56]
Variance-Covariance Matrix
[pic 57]
Bivariate Normal Distribution
V1, V2 normal with mean:
[pic 58]
[pic 59]
Multivariate Normal Distribution
Generating random sample:
[pic 60]
[pic 61]
[pic 62]
Factor Models
One factor: [pic 63]
[pic 64]
[pic 65]
Factor Copula Model
[pic 66][pic 67]
Vasicek’s Model
[pic 68]
[pic 69]
[pic 70]
[pic 71]
[pic 72]
Q: Probability Default Time T
X: Confidence Level (0.999)
Possible loss:
Investment * WCDR*(1-recovery rate)
Chapter 12: Basel I, II and Solvency II
Cook ratio
[pic 73]
[pic 74]
Without netting
[pic 75]
With netting
[pic 76]
Net replacement ratio (NRR)
[pic 77]
Credit equivalent amount
[pic 78]
1996 Amendment
[pic 79]
Total capital = (credit risk RWA + Market risk RWA) *0.08
Basel II
Total capital required = 0.08*(credit risk RWA + market risk RWA + operational risk RWA)