Freud and Jung Case
Essay by angela.natale • March 21, 2013 • Essay • 224 Words (1 Pages) • 1,232 Views
Freud and Jung grew up in very different households. Since their upbringing was very different you could only suspect that their theories would differ. Freud basis on all his theories is sex. His stages of childhood development (psychosexual) are oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital all based on their sexual development. Freud grew up having a sexual attraction to his mother. So a lot of his own sexual conflicts influenced his theories.
Jung had a very difficult and unhappy childhood. Jung's father was not a good authority figure while his mother was the more powerful parent. Jung thought of his mother as being two people because she behaved very erratically. This made Jung very cautious of woman that took many years to get over. I believe that this is why Jung believes that human beings are not only shaped by their past but also by their futures. I also believe that this is the reason why Jung got most of his influences for his theories from his patients and psychics not from his own experiences.
I believe that their upbringing influenced their theories because both of their childhood had negative effects on them. Freud having a sexual attraction to his mother made him relate everything to sex and Jung having such an unhappy childhood made him rely on psychics and other people to fuel his theories.