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Essay by   •  November 15, 2010  •  Essay  •  1,702 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,806 Views

Essay Preview: Genesis

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When preparing to study the Bible, beginning in Genesis, it seems only fitting to begin at the beginning of the beginning. Yes, the book of Genesis contains profoundly more information than just the beginning. Genesis contains the beginning of many things. The world, the beginning of time, the beginning of man, the beginning of God and how He deals with His creation on a large scale and on significantly smaller scale. Genesis marks the beginning of redemption and salvation. From the first man to the first nation called by God, God is depicted as one who loves and protects those He calls His own.

Yet, probably one of the most simplistic yet profound statements in the Bible is the one found at the beginning of the Bible, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth". The psalmist, the prophets, and the apostle have affirmed this simple yet magnificent verse. Although, it is the subject of much debate. The Bible assumes and never argues the existence of God. Although everything made, at one time had a beginning, God has always been. The vastness and enormity of this one statement is equaled by no other for it assumes and states many things concerning the greatness and truth of God.

First assumption being the existence of God; for it is said that He, which was in the beginning, is the one who creates something from nothing. The very sentences, "in the beginning God created," asserts the beginning of things and time. While it is understood that there is no empirical proof of the existence of God but creation itself, and belief in such a theory is based on faith alone. One can not argue the probability of a higher being possibly being responsible for such a complex and magnificent design. Proof of the designer is in the design itself. It would require more faith to assume creation just happened, then to believe God created it. In looking for a rational explanation as to how things came to be, assuming for a moment the big bang theory to be correct, the question still arises, who was responsible for setting such actions into motion? The answer would have to be God.

Genesis 1:1 assumes His eternity; for it states that in the beginning He created, not He was created. His existence is based solely on the statement that at the beginning of creation, at some undisclosed period of time, or more correctly, at the beginning of time as one would measure time, God was already there. God is before all things, and as nothing comes from nothing unless created, one must conclude that God Himself must have always been. The beginning of things, naturally is contingent on something being before and eternal. Even if the Bible and the verses contained within were not a factor in determining the existence of God and the eternalness of God, the reality of God is evident, and creation screams her testimony concerning her creator.

It also implies His omnipotence, for He creates a complex system, a vast universe, a human race, perfect and complete by His very word, which indicates He is a being of infinite wisdom, power and absolute intellect. God creating is the omnipotent act of giving existence to things that did not exist. The wisdom, power, strength and ability to hang the earth into nothing, can only be accomplished with power beyond all human understanding. The prophet Jeremiah wrote, "Ah Lord GOD! Behold, Thou hast made the heavens and the earth by Thy great power and by Thine outstretched arm! Nothing is too difficult for Thee". (Jeremiah 32:17 NASB). God has the power to control the sun and the moon. He is able to manipulate and manage the rotation of the earth giving seasons to the earth. His very hands have the power to raise mountains and hold the ocean at bay for He alone set the boundaries that even the sea does not dare to cross. No other matches the unfathomable power and strength held by the one who is in the beginning.

Verse two of Genesis is equally filled with a wealth of information, that to the untrained eye could easily be missed leaving the reader to ponder certain truths concerning God, Satan, creation and much more. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth". While filled with an immense amount of information that was, by no means dealt with to the fullest measure above, it is for all intensive purposes a statement of fact. No details other than these facts are given at this point, for the most pertinent information is given; in the beginning God alone was there, and He alone is responsible for the vast creation called earth. The Eastern culture in writing places the important information first. The reader is privileged to more details as the events of creation, through the Hebrew language, began to unravel before his eyes. Geneses 1:2 states, "And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters". At first glance, it would seem to be a simple statement of fact as well. Expect the word "was" creates multiple interpretation possibilities. The word "was" or ht'оy>h' is the qal perfect 3rd person feminine singular of the to be verb. Meaning, be as an event or something that has began to be, or come to pass. If the word is to be translated as something that was simply created to be, or something that was created to be, the conclusion that would be drawn is; the world was created, or came to pass formless and void. Without any further look at the language, one would have to conclude that this interpretation is incorrect for scripture refutes it. The prophet Isaiah states "For thus says the LORD, who created the heavens (He is the God who formed the earth and made it, He established it and did not create it a waste place, But formed it to be inhabited), 'I am the LORD, and there is



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