Girls Are Starting to Make More and More Appearances in Male Athletics
Essay by dcalde55 • September 26, 2014 • Essay • 1,376 Words (6 Pages) • 1,182 Views
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Everyday girls get chase by boys, but instead of chasing them around, there are now getting tackled by them, hit by them of tripped by them. Girls are starting to make more and more appearances in male athletics. There are females kicking on the football team, playing quarterback, and even linebacker. Yet they don't stop there. Females are wrestling now against other males, playing baseball with them Girls however, should not participate on male athletic teams at all. There are multiple reasons why girls should not play with guys. One of them is the mentality that they have is completely different. They also will be left out or excluded by the rest of the team and not feel like a part of the team. Lastly they will be sexually harassed by other teammates.
When boys and girls are on the same field they are still not on the same level of play guys have a very different build than girls. The average male is bigger and stronger than the average girl, and the pace of woman and male athletics are very different males are faster than the opposite gender. When females start playing in the game, they will not be able to keep up with the speed of the game nor the physicality either. There is even a law that states that girls cannot participate in any contact sports. That law is called title IX, and was passes in 1972. "Title IX has a built-in 'contact sports exception.' The text blocks woman from trying out for a sport only offered to men if the sport is a contact sport." ( this law is a great is a great law. It protects woman from getting hurt. With the different levels of physicality, injuries are prone to happen with contact sports. This is also looking to make sure they do not get touched or harmed by other male teammate and opponents.
When a girl participates in a sport with a male dominated team she might find that she will be left out or excluded from the team. The guys on the team might not like the fact that she is on the team and will exclude her or make her feel unwanted on the team. They could even gang up against her and bully her or ignore her and like she isn't even there. Kids are not very nice at all and will do some terrible things to other people. Especially if they do not want the girl on the team, they would do anything in their power to get her off the team. Even the coach may jump in and decide to treat him unfairly and make fun of her. There has been coaches who do not treat them equally and do anything in their power to make the girl feel unwanted on the team of not cut out for the team.
Other than being harassed and picked on, girls might find a disconnection from the team. Being of the opposite gender they will not be able to be in the same locker room for obvious reasons. In the locker room you make bonds with your teammates after a long tough practice. You can talk about how funny your coach looked when he yelled at another kid, crack jokes at one another, pull funny pranks on the underclassman, or just about your day at school. The locker room is where your team gels together and becomes a family. Since the girl will not be able to be in the locker room with the rest of the team she will not be a part of the team bonding. Instead she will just have to hear about it and it will make her feel left out of the team. She will never get to experience that first hand. After you hear a couple stories you start to feel like you aren't apart of the team just a second party.
There is also a different mentality that woman have when it comes to sports. Girls are a lot more caring then guys. Guys have a selfish attitude whereas girls have a caring looking out for others attitude. Also girls take criticism very personally. When a coach yells at them instead of responding and fixing it, they get mad and shut down. Another aspect that would be the down fall of them is there mental strength and being able to push them on and keep going. When the going gets tough you got to get on going, not shut down like most woman will. Sense girls take things so seriously and to heart they will be hurt emotionally. When being yelled at they will start to take it so personal that they will start to have lower self-esteem. A girl might also burst out in anger on the rest of the team and go absolutely crazy. Woman does not tend to control their anger very well at times and can