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Globalization Case

Essay by   •  January 6, 2015  •  Essay  •  2,028 Words (9 Pages)  •  1,867 Views

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My concept of the meaning of globalization from before beginning this course: IDST 1050C was that globalization allows access to economics, politics, social, and cultural life which influence many different nations, people, societies, and cultures to come together and interact in a positive manner to invest and/or trade products or resources from various countries as well as to resolve global issues between countries.. My definition of Globalization at this moment is: Globalization is the process of interaction and integration among the people, cultures, countries, societies, communities, and governments of different nations that allows access to economics, politics, social, and cultural life which influenced many different nations, people, societies, and cultures through integration and the web to come together and interact in a positive manner to invest and/or trade products or resources from various countries as well as to resolve global issues between nations. Most importantly, globalization is the elimination of barriers to trade, comers, communication, and cultural exchange, as well as resolve global problems between countries. The theory of globalization is that it is to provide openness, free trade, and access to Western and International trade and investments which will allow a select minority to prosper. What constitutes as global issues are poverty, homelessness, natural disasters, women's rights, clean water, and sustainable housing, humanitarian, political, and economic issues. The topic I have chosen to discuss politics. I have chosen this topic because I want to analyze and understand my cognition process on how globalization has affected the political realm of the United States and the world! As well as understand how different disciplinary perspectives connect to other disciplinary perspectives.

Long before the collapse of communism, the world of two superpowers were under the Cold War System. The Cold War system was characterized by division. The symbolic meaning of the division was the Berlin Wall also known as the Wall. Currently, in the twentieth century, globalization is the world system. The globalization system is different than the Cold War system. It is different because it has one feature and that feature is integration. In fact, the major difference between the Cold War period and the globalization structure is that the Cold War period was an entertainment and contest period of nations and States. This meant that states were confronting states, balancing states and aligning with States. The United States and the Soviet Union were the Super power countries that balanced the world at the Center Although the United States and the Soviet Union balanced each other and the nations at the center, it was Ronald Regan, forty (40th) President of the United States, who referred to the Soviet Union as the "Evil Empire" and the United States as the "Free World". Since the Cold War System the world has traveled from an International system built around walls to an international system built around integration and Webs. With globalization, in theory, not one country is in control. Although, the United States is holding on to the power that it has militarily and politically. (Friedman, T. L., (2002), (4th ed., pp. 173)).

Borrowing from the words of Thomas L. Friedman, Prologue: The Super Story "Globalization changed the world and is the unstoppable combination of markets, transportation, and communication systems. Globalization has influenced economics, politics, social, and cultural life. The market includes the New York, Hong Kong and London Stock exchange. Globalization has allowed companies and individuals to use modern forms of communication to navigate the stock markets. There are three balances with the global system which affect one another. The three balances are: (1) the traditional balance of power from nation to states; With globalization the United States is the sole and only super-power. (2) The second power balance is between nation to states and global markets. This second balance is also known as the Electronic herd; and (3) The balance between individuals and nation to states. The third balance must be closely scrutinized because the Cold War Walls have been taken down and it was the walls that limited the movement of people. However, globalization gives more power to individuals to influence markets and nation to states. For example, in 1998 Osama bin Laden declared war on the United States after bombing two American embassies in Africa. The United States retaliated and bomb his base as though he was nation to state. This is the perfect example of the imperfection of globalization. Keep in mind that the United States is the super-power and leaders of nations. Please note, that globalization affects everyone, but not everyone benefits from globalization. (Friedman, T. L., (2002), (4th ed., pp. 173)).

Politics and governance involve legitimacy. The legitimacy and authority of government to rule depends on maintaining harmonious relations with other nations. When relations between states and nation weaken we can anticipate conflict. Please note that Nations are intellectual, social, political, economic, cultural, cities, countries, state governments and nation to states. The identities of nation to states is tied to the politics, laws, economics, social, cultural traditions and embodiment of the communal life that assumes congruence of your states, nations, people and culture. How a nation functions day to day depends on the politics, policy and laws of the country, state, or nation. It is the United States, the leaders and policy makers of our country , the United States, and other nations that understand that each nation has the right to build and choose the government and political system that best represents the Unit States or nations governmental interest. The Declaration of Independence and the United Constriction were the political system chosen in 1776. As the founding fathers mention "In GOD We Trust"! . There are valid and viable concern that must be addressed and explored regarding conflicts of and within a State, nation, and country. These conflicts arise when counties, nations, states interact with one another and are not in agreement with a particular issue. The leaders of the country, state, or nation come together to resolve the issue by stating the States, nation, or country position and moving toward resolution. Resolution requires ALL parties to have an amicable meeting of the mind! Resolution of the conflict depends on the approach taken. On April 4, 1949 , after World War II, twelve countries joined together to form NATO. The countries included ten (10) European



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