Gospel Essentials
Essay by jennxoxo • September 27, 2017 • Essay • 2,321 Words (10 Pages) • 1,348 Views
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Gospel Essentials Essay
Jenn Barbo
Grand Canyon University: CWV-101
September 10, 2016
Christian World view has been around for thousands of years, and takes up about one third of the world’s population it is the biggest religion around. Even though Christians believe why do a lot ask ourselves, how did we get here? Who is God? Is there an afterlife? Who created the universe? I, myself, have these questions. The purpose of this paper is to better understand God by finding out who he is, what he has done, and why he gave his only son to the world to only have him leave.
What is God like? That is the question. God is the creator of all things creating the heavens and the earth. God made light by making “two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.” (Genesis 1:16 NKJV) “God created the sea creators and every living thing that moves.” (genesis 1:21 NKJV) lastly, God made man in his image saying that he was making man to rule over every fish, cattle, and birds. (genesis) He Is forgiving and ever loving (Genesis NKJV) God loves all of his children in the world no matter what they have done throughout their life. With this being said, he will forgive you for what you have done when you repent. There are so many verses in the bible that shows us of God’s love. A big example of God showing human kind his love is when he gave the world Jesus his only son. In the book of John, it is said “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16 NKJV) By giving us Jesus God was showing us how we need to live and to live by his word and faith. Not only that but God is giving us everlasting love. So, when we do ask for forgiveness he will forgive us and we will enter and live in the kingdom of heaven with him and his love.
God has many characteristics and they are much like what he is like. Some of his characteristics include being a father, mother, brother, sister, and provider. Along with that he is perfect. “the word of the Lord is tired: he is a buckler to all of those that trust in him.” (Psalms 18:30 NKJV) this is telling us we need to trust and believe in God 100% so we are able to get benefit from the lord that he wants to give us. God is also, is the creator of humanity and all that exists. (genesis NKJV) Lastly God is, trustworthy, faithful, gracious, compassionate, righteous, and loving. (Psalm 145 NKJV)
Human Nature
Humanity is very important to Christians worldviews because there are two key points with humanity. One, God created all humans of his own image male and female. To the likeliness of himself (genesis NKJV). Second, we are sinful we all sin because of the repercussions of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. Adam and Eve wanted the knowledge that God had and wanted to be like him so they ate from the tree with the temptation of the serpent (genesis 3 NKJV). Rather than trusting God and respecting what he had said about not eating form the tree. God gave humanity the knowing of what sin is and knowing what it is like to work hard, and having pain. God had a plan and the plan was for humanity to only know the good in the world as told in the book of genesis. With Adam and Eve eating from the tree there is now good and evil in the. God did not have Adam and Eve die after eating form the tree instead God had them leave the garden of Eden because they had eaten from the tree and now know what good and evil was, God had also let it out into creation and to all of Adam and Eve’s decedent’s.
There are many purposes to humanity, one being people we are all created by God and out of everything God created in seven days from light, to dark, to sea animals, trees, plant, and even birds and cattle. We are the only creatures that can talk to God. With that being said a part of our purpose to being here is to have a relationship with God and follow his word. With being made we are also here to take care of the tress, plants, and animals. Along, with taking care of God’s other creations we are here to multiple the human race. God gave us these responsibilities because he trusts us to look out for everything and being. God knows each of us in a way we do not know ourselves and in a way that others do not know us. He loves us deeply and unconditionally. It is said “Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” (Luke 12:7 NKJV)
Sin is the biggest problem we have and it is the root of the problem to humanity. There are many sins that we have done like murder, theft, disobeying our parents, and committing adultery. By doing these sins we are hurting other physically, mentally, and emotionally. Not only are we doing this to others we are also, fighting with our own kind. With fighting with our own kind is not the way Jesus wanted. It is said “you shell love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:31 NKJV)
Jesus walk and live with man living by the father’s word. He is Gods only son but he is one with God. He is Jesus of Nazareth crucified and died for our sins. He is part of the trinity he is the son out of the father, the son, and the holy spirit. He, is also, the King of Heaven and the servitor of mankind put on earth to save us all. Jesus came to earth and was born to the virgin Mary. While taking on a human form during his time on earth Jesus traveled around different places gathering disciples. Along, with doing this he taught the word of God. Also, Jesus worked miracles one being that he raised Lazarus from the dead. Apart from that Jesus healed the sick and injured. At the end of everything Jesus had done that was good he gave his live and he was tortured and crucified at the cross to wash away our sins (Lecture Four 2015). Three days later Jesus rose from the dead and returned to heaven to be with God.
Without Jesus Christ coming to earth and dying for us there would be no Christian worldview. because no matter what race you are, age, gender, or how much money you have, we all sin and need salvation. Once you repent and accept Jesus in your life your sins are forgiven and you can start to live the way God wants you to live. Living this way, you try not to sin and do good deeds instead. Also, after getting your sin forgiven and accepting Jesus in your life you are able to get into heaven and live in the kingdom for God where there is no pain and suffering. On earth as a Christian this is what you believe here on earth and after death.