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Greek and Roman Architecture

Essay by   •  October 20, 2012  •  Essay  •  348 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,333 Views

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I think that Greek and Roman Architerture has greatly influenced the architerture not only in Europe and the Americas but also of all the European- speaking nations as well as nations that have had any European influence around the world.Greek architeture was refined the use of columns, especially in large monument such as temples.In the previous lesson, it was discuseed that there are 3 different architertural orders that the Greeks used.The Doric order (7th Century B.C.E) consisted of a column with no base, nothing separating it from the floor below with a capital consisting of a rounded stone disksupporting a plain rectangular slab.In the Ionic order (6th century B.C.E), the shft is fluted and rests on a steepe base.The capital is carved in gracefull scrolling forms called "volutes". In the Corinthian order (4th century B.C.E), the shaft is fluted and rests on a more detailed steeped base.The elaborate capital is carved with motifsbased on stylized acanthus leaves.These three styles of column design and architerture were also adopted later by the Roman Empire, which as a result caused it to spread through much of Europe.As time passed and many of the European nations that we know today begin to flourish,the influence of Greek and Roman architerture never went away.Anywhere from the Mediterranean Sea all the way up to Great Britain have architectural reminders of the power and influence of ancient Greek and Roman architecture.During the European Diaspora, which is the time of the European colonial exppansion during the Age of Exploration, Europeans took their architecture style (which had Greek and Roman inlfuence ) and spread it throughout the World. One good example of Greek and Roman architecture in the Americas can be seen in Washington D.C. where we can see examples of Greek and Roman columns such as the columns of The White House and the Capitol Building.Thanks to the Greeks and the Romans we can now see and appreciate the achitecture left and influence by these two great civilizations.It would be hard to imagine how modern architecture would be without the influence of the Greeks and Romans.



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