Essay by review • November 12, 2010 • Essay • 1,524 Words (7 Pages) • 1,976 Views
(Hauerwas, The Peaceable Kingdom, 30-35)
We are friends of the crucified, but we are the crucifiers as well.
We must be trained to see ourselves as sinners, not self-evident, so fundamental we must be taught to recognize it. Cannot perceive it when we are formed by it.
Sin not universal tendency to be inhumane or immoral (though involves this),
we are sinful because we deceive ourselves about the nature of reality and would thus crucify the one who calls us to God's kingdom.
Discover true identity as selves in life, death, resurrection of Jesus. Story of God tells us we are sinners, in relation to God as infidelity, rebellion, and selfishness.
We are created for loyalty, but our sinfulness is loyalty to other things than God.
Sin said to be Pride, Self-love, Lust, Sloth . . . it is all of those, very complex.
Sin: to the extent I refuse to faithful to God's way, to live as part of God's life, my life assumes the character of rebellion.
Sin - not just overestimating abilities, but overreach our powers, author our own stories.
Sin - Challenge and refuse God's authorship, refusal to live as creatures.
Will to power, pretending not to be limited when we are limited, make self center of universe and then subject others to our will, this injustice is sin. (Niebuhr)
How it works with us.
1. Conspire to make lies powerful by structuring them to command consensus.
2. "Objectivity" of the majority allows accusation that those who differ are immoral (not just wrong).
3. Then defend our positions as truth, but our sin/lies become root and branch of violence.
Learn to use language of sin about ourselves not just others!
But not stuck there, called to be righteous and live life made possible by God's redemption in the cross.
Sin not just an error or wrong doing, it's a wrong being or overreaching, fundamental form is self-deception.
Freedom as a possession or achievement, rather than a gift, is sin.
Controlling everything and not trusting is sin.
Sin - fundamental orientation of the self.
Character - formed by story that we must do everything (pride) or nothing (sloth)
See self as God does and we can have the freedom to go on, God sees me as a sinner but there is still grace.
Nature of Sin
Relates to salvation - basically good with bad parts then the bad is saved; corrupt and rebellious then transformation is needed.
Relates to ministry - encourage to do better, or repent and born again!
Terms, Causes of Sin
1. Ignorance - "agnoia" (agnostic), not to know; Romans 1.13, innocent ignorance and ignorance that is still punishable. Ephesians 4.18, Acts 3.17, 1 Peter 1.14, Hebrews 9.7
2. Error - to go astray, to make mistakes; stray from flock (Ezek 34.6), drunken stumbling (Isa 28.7), 1 Samuel 26.21. "Ta'ah", 50 times in OT, "to err or wander about." "planomai" "being deceived." Do not be deceived (1 Cor 6.9, Gal 6.7)
3. Inattention - "parakoe" "to hear amiss or incorrectly", disobedience because of inattention. Romans 5.19, 2 Cor 2.6. "to hear without heeding" or "to take no heed," failure to listen and respond when God is speaking.
Terms, Character of Sin
1. Missing the Mark - "chata" (Heb) and "hamartano" (Grk, 300 times in NT), 600 times in OT and translated by 32 Greek words. Voluntary mistake, not an accident.
2. Irreligion - "asebeo" "without reverence or worship." "adikeo" "lack of justice/righteousness." "Pure religion and undefiled before God the father is this: feed the hungry and take care of the orphan and the widow."
3. Transgression - "avar" (Heb), "to cross over, to pass by." The law or covenant of the lord is broken.
4. Iniquity/Lack of Integrity - "awal" "deviation from a right course." Injustice, failure to fulfill righteousness. Lev 19.15
5. Rebellion - "pasha" "rebellion against a king." "marad" (Heb) Ezek 2.3! Stubborness, prophets spoke against this since it was the people of God. Disobedience! "apeitheia" "not trusting in" Romans 1.30, 2 Tim 3.2. "apostasia" 1 Tim 4.1 and Hebrews 3.12.
6. Treachery - "ma'al" "unfaithfulness of a spouse" "breaking faith" Numbers 5.12, "paraptoma" "to fall away."
7. Perversion - "awah" "to bend or twist." Twisted, wicked, wicker.
8. Abomination - "shiqquts" "reprehensible"
Terms, Results of Sin
1. Agitation/Restlessness - tossing, to be disjointed, like a tossing sea, cannot find rest, there is no peace (Isaiah 57.20-21).
2. Evil/Badness - harmful, malignant, distress, adversity
3. Guilt - to do a wrong, commit an offense, inflict an injury. Punishment necessary, victim to be compensated.
4. Trouble - upon the sinner, fatigued, tired, weariness, sorrow, misery, difficulty. Proverbs 22.8, "He who sows injustice will reap calamity."
Essential Nature of Sin
"Sin is any lack of conformity, active or passive, to the moral way of God. This may be a matter of act, of thought, or of inner disposition or state."
1. Sensuality - lower physical nature to dominate the higher