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Essay by   •  December 18, 2010  •  Essay  •  834 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,743 Views

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What has caused the world to be in such turmoil today? Why are there murders, deaths, terrors, and such evils running rampant in our society? Has it always been this way? Will it continue on this way until the world just dissipates into nothingness? Many people ask these very questions. Sin is the one and only answer to all of these problems and questions. What is sin? Where did it come from? Who got sin started? Sin is the deadliest poison in the whole world. Sin kills and destroys everything in its path.

Harmartiology comes from the Greek work hamartia which means sin. Therefore, Harmartiology is the study or doctrine of sin. The word sin means to miss the mark, or trespass against a set standard or law. Harmartiology deals with the origin of sin, the affects that it has on mankind, and what the result of it will be after death. Everybody in the world has sinned. We have all missed the mark that God has set for a standard to enter heaven and please Him: a perfect sinless life. The Bible says in Romans 3:23 that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

Sin came into the existence of the universe by Satan himself. Ezekiel 28:15-19 says "Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee...Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee." There was no sin in the universe until Satan chose his will over that of God's will. Satan desired to be equal with God.

Sin came into the world as we know it, through Satan by his deception, but by man's disobedience and unbelief in God. The second saddest moment in the history of the world had to have been when man fell in the Garden of Eden. God created all the beauty in the world for man to enjoy. He gave one command to Adam regarding the tree of the knowledge of good and evil: do no eat it! Yet man in his selfishness chose to listen to Satan, the deceiver, and father of Sin. Satan once again sinned by lying to Eve saying she would be like God, instead of dying once the fruit was eaten. I Timothy 2:14 says "Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." Because Adam did not obey God, but chose to follow his wife, he plummeted the whole world for all of time into the utter darkness of Sin and separation from God. Romans 5:12 says "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:" Because man disobeyed God and chose his own will



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