Immigration Case
Essay by ggfnina23 • July 17, 2014 • Essay • 867 Words (4 Pages) • 1,446 Views
The media reaction to immigration problem in the United Sates is as diverse ad the cultures and peoples it impacts. While there does exist some common public and political views there is also facts information which could alter those positions. The media piece, discussed here, found on YouTube under the title AP Gov. Immigration 2011, posted by dmcb324, a variety of media clips providing information from numerous news sources both local and international are given. This paper will use this media format to address the questions on the media reaction toward immigration.
What is the historical framework of this issue?
The framework presented in this media presentation covers a current and present time frame beginning with the elections of 2010 through the months of 2011. So the information seen and heard is very up-to-date and thereby relevant in today's societal issues.
What is the political context of this issue?
The piece presents all sides of the political spectrum. It utilizes news clips and media information from both liberals and conservatives and well as members of the Democratic and Republican parties. This unique combining of views and information provides for a very thought-provoking and unbiased look at some of the issues around immigration today. By presenting only the information, alongside the human elemnts impacted without slanting it does not lead the viewer to any conclusion and presents hwo truly complicated the issue is.
What message does the media piece attempt to convey? Was the media coverage biased or unbiased? Was the issue sensationalized or portrayed objectively? How might the media coverage effect the public perception of the issue? Does encourage or discourage prejudice, discrimination or stereotyping?
The piece attempts to provide perspective which addresses both the concerns and different views of the immigration issue in the United States. The coverage presented here was unbiased and portrayed objectively. Societal issues mentioned by Richard Schaefer in his book, "Racial and Ethnic Groups. Census Update. Twelfth Edition , " Illegal immigrants and even legal immigrants have become tied by the public to almost every social problem in the nation. They have become scapegoats for unemployment. They are labeled as "drug runners" and especially since September 11,2001 "terrorists"." are presented for consideration with input from all sides.
Further, just as stated in "Understanding and Managing Diversity Section II" by
Carol P. Harvey, "The exploration of the immigration policy and reform is a volatile and complicated issue socially, politically and legally .." This media presentation reinforces that with it media representation of the "Dream Act," proposed by the Democratic Congress and opposed by their Republican counterparts.. It further presents arguments of how the undocumented immigrants are drawing benefits from the government and then presents the facts on their contribution to the faltering Social Security Program which they cannot draw from and the taxes which they cannot get refunded. The piece also offers both sides of the economic work issue, that follows that these undocumented immigrants are taking away jobs from American and then provides commentary