La Plaza De Culturas Y Artes
Essay by javier89r • May 31, 2013 • Essay • 294 Words (2 Pages) • 1,571 Views
La Plaza De Culturas Y Artes.
This plaza of culture and arts is located in downtown L.A. I learned many historical events which mainly consist of how California got started from the Founding settlers to the present. A Negro tailor, a Mulato farmer and the Indio Jose Vanegas (Mayor) Where among the first Los Angeles settlers. They were all recruited from Spanish colonies in the present day Mexican states Sonora and Sinaloa. The first couple who recorded marriage in Los Angeles where the sons of farmer Basilio Rosas from the Tongva Villages. Los Angeles original name is often cited as El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de Los Angeles de Porciuncula (The Town of Our Lady the Queen of the Angeles of Porciuncula).
California Culture and ethnic diversity has roots in Spain evangelical enthusiasm. Los Californians in 1821 held fiestas in the pueblos plaza or courtyards of the ranchos. These important social parties' reinforced bonds of families and communities. Rancheros, vaqueros and poor townsmen people feasted together. Los Mexicanos in 1850 help built the railroads to Los Angeles that same rail road brought them throughout California to meet demands of growing agriculture industry. By the end of 1930 the Mexican population in Los Angeles and throughout the southwest had shifted from predominantly immigrants to U.S born citizens who spoke English.
I seen a Mexican Cavalry sword that had writing on the blades which said no me saques sin razon/no me envanes sin honor (Do not draw me without reason/do not sheath me without honor). The most interesting historical fact was Main St. The first official map of Los Angeles, made in 1849, highlighted the city's transition from Spanish settlement to Mexican pueblos to American township. Translating into Calle Principal, the original Spanish name to Main Street.