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Lightening Bug

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Kyle George

Dr. Costello

English 320

11 October 2005

The Lightening Bug

The novel, The Lightening Bug by Donald Harrington shows all aspects of human life in modern time. The comments on society show that this story while set in the 1930's is most certainly written in the 1970's. There was not as much moral bankruptcy in the thirties than in the seventies. Things like the love triangle and the ganging up on people in a fight were not characteristic of the thirties like it was in the seventies. At least the author made two of his three main characters have a sense of pride and integrity. Through an analysis of many characters in the novel, one can ascertain that Latha was a somebody in a town full of nobodies.

Latha Bourne is a very strong and dynamic character in the novel. She does things that do not fit into the norms of society at that time or even now. She slept naked with a five-year-old boy and toyed with the notion of having sex with him. Latha cannot be totally blamed for this. She did spend a good chunk of her life in a mental institution and still managed to do good even though she lusts after every man that came to town. She does this because she is trying to block out the memory of Every Dill raping her years before. Latha is also torn apart over her daughter, Sonora. She cannot divulge any information that she is Sonora's mother because her sister, Mandy made her swear an oath to her. This tragedy personifies itself by Latha always comparing herself and being envious of Sonora. This concept is illustrated by the following quote, which Latha thinks to herself, "It's passing strange, she thought, that I've been sitting on this porch for eight years, and now all of a sudden two men are fighting over me. I feel like Sonora." This demonstrates Latha's want to live out her younger years vicariously through Sonora. This, of course is impossible because Latha was in a mental hospital for the better half of her young adult life. She cannot fully enjoy Sonora's life because of the sworn secrecy agreement she gave to her sister. Of course, one cloud ask why not break the agreement and tell Sonora the truth? This would go against Latha's character. Betraying anyone's confidence will never tarnish her moral fabric.

"'Latha, I've got a strong suspicion that that girl is yours.'

'I swear she's not!' she said, and realized, Oh no, its coming.

'And maybe mine too,' he said.

'You're mistaken! I swear she's Vaughn and Mandy's!'"

Latha never tells anyone that Every robbed the bank or that Donny slept with her naked. Even when Every grills Latha about Sonora's parents, she still does not budge.

Another example of Latha's strong character is her determination to marry Every. Who would get raped by a guy, they robbed by him only to see him leave for eight years and still find it in her heart to love him just as much as the day she met him? It takes someone with an immense supply of character and dignity to do something like that. However, Latha was not perfect. She had



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