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Medical Research

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Medical Research Outline

I. Introduction

Beep! Beep! Beep! The heart monitor beeps every time his heart does the boys face is unemotional to him its already over. As he sleeps next to him are all his family members many speechless and most in tears as they watch the 13 year old boy's last moments. Hooked up to a breathing machine because his lungs are now useless he struggles for each breath; and yet it still monitor still...beeps... beep ... but, all of a sudden without notice the beeps begin to come closer and closer together and then louder to where you here it down the hallway. The beeps become increasingly so close that its almost one perpetual sound and then without notice it becomes one. The monitor's green line that at one point in time was bouncing is now a steady flat line...Another life lost to cancer, what a shame. Medical research is essential to our way of life everyday people just as the one that I described to you moments ago will lose their lives not just cause of cancer but because other afflictions such as AIDS, or as diabetes.

II. Medical Research saves lives

A. For example, vaccines for diseases are found only due to research

1. John F. Enders found vaccine for polio in 1954

2. Since polio vaccinations outbreaks declined from 57,879 to just a few each year

B. In addition, the American virologist Albert Sabin developed the oral vaccine

1. The trivalent oral polio vaccine (TOPV) was licensed in 1960

2. (TOPV) replaced the Salk injectable vaccine as the standard immunizing agent in the United States.

C. Furthermore, viruses like yellow fever have almost been wiped out

1. Walter Reed found that yellow fever is transmitted through mosquitoes

2. Through sanitation yellow fever was virtually exterminated since 1901

D. Due to research like this viruses such as these will hopefully never comeback

III. Some diseases can be more easily cured or eradicated

A. For example, Alice C. Evans discovered that raw cow milk has a deadly disease called bacillus's.

1. Now all milk intended for human consumption has to be pasteurized

B. In addition, Rene J. Dubos French-born American bacteriologist

1. Noted for his major contribution to antibiotics

2. He also developed penicillin and other antibiotics like streptomycin and tetracycline's.

C. Furthermore, scientist Ferdinand Cohn

1. Discovered the nature and principal of bacterial spores

2. One of his most famous findings is that of anthrax

D. Where do you think we would be without the research these people have done?

IV. The medical research we do helps us in the long run




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